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East Africa

         and cooperation. The Awards had over   The project has delivered a database   attended by technical working group
         160 entrants covering seven aspects   and categorized data, including time   (TWG)  members  and  experts  from
         of journalistic work—print, digital, TV,   series and spatial datasets for member   each country’s national meteorology
         radio, photo, best female entry, and   states.  Additionally,  community  field   agency and disaster preparedness
         best collaborative entry.          surveys in flood-prone areas, including   offices.  A dissemination platform is
                                            Akobo, Malakal, Pibor, Nasir, Gambela,    delivering three customized early-
         Highlighting  the  importance  of  and Itang, have been completed and   warning  products    daily   to
         involving youth as key stakeholders of   will be used as input for modeling and   stakeholders  within  48  hours  of  a
         water resources management, the    community awareness.                flash-flood forecast.
         NBDF event also featured the first-ever
         Nile  Basin  Youth  Competition,  which   The enhanced EN-FFEWS system is   In  March  2024, an  inception  report
         aimed  to  identify  innovative  science   now operational for Tekeze-Setit-   was created to initiate a basin-wide
         and technology solutions, policies, and   Atbara, Blue Nile, Lake Tana, and   flood   assessment   and   identify
         good practices and experiences for   Baro-Akobo-Sobat  sub    basins,  investment  options  for  flood-risk
         addressing  water  challenges.  It   covering 35 forecast locations and   mitigation.  This  process  involved  a
         received over 100 entries ranging from   rainfall in 55 catchments.  Flood   consultation workshop attended by
         solutions for a wide range of water   hazard maps and flood vulnerability and   the regional working group (RWG) and
         resources-related  challenges  including   risk maps have been produced for 16   participants  from  meteorological
         water  quality  management,  water  flood-prone  areas  (Figure  2).  The   agencies  to  inform  the  assessment.
         scarcity  remediation,  water  conflict   EN-FFEWS  has  significantly  protected   Following this, from April to July 2024,
         resolution, and climate change resilience.  livelihoods by mitigating the adverse   the  NELSAP-CU  and  NBD conducted
                                            impacts  of  floods  on  agriculture  and   country consultations and field visits in
         Between February and May 2023, the   other economic activities in the   Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and
         NBI compiled 166 papers for the NBDF   floodplains   and   surrounding   Uganda to assess national priorities for
         by using a mix of calls for abstracts   communities.   Improved   flood   flood-risk  management,  collect  data,
         and direct requests for papers, which   management is expected to safeguard   and map stakeholders. The national
         were used to design 25 webinars     critical infrastructure  such as  roads,   flood-risk assessments are anticipated
         under five themes of basin monitoring:   bridges, and irrigation systems, thereby   to be completed in 2024.
         strategic water resources assessments   reducing repair and maintenance costs.
         and  the  water-energy-food  nexus;                                    Nile-SEC produces the bi-weekly
         watershed    management      and   During  the  upcoming  flood  season,   Monitoring and Forecasting Drought
         ecosystem   sustainability;   climate   ENTRO  is  working  with  Young  Bulletin.   Content  includes  drought
         change   resilience   and   mitigation;   Professionals to provide tailored forecast   indices tailored for both hydrological and
         finance, investment, and the SDGs; and   alerts via local media channels such as   meteorological droughts, using climate
         transboundary water governance. The   WhatsApp and Telegram, enhancing   data from the 10 major Nile sub-basins
         webinars were attended by 1,061 people   support  for the countries affected by   and enhancing the Nile River Basin
         from 58 countries, including engineers,   flooding.  Capacity-building  training  on   flow-forecast system in FY25.
         hydrologists,  foreign  service  officers,   the  strengthened  system  was
         and civil society activists—with 78   conducted for national Flood Forecast   The development and implementation
         percent  of participants from the Nile   Center experts from Ethiopia, South   of the Nile Drought Early-Warning
         Basin and 31 percent female.       Sudan, and Sudan.                   System (Nile DEWS) under ENTRO has
                                                                                been underway since October 2023,
         Other platform activities were cross-   Enhancing the early-warning system   following a drought early-warning
         cutting with components described   and raising awareness for its uptake   needs  assessment and data  gap
         below.                             are crucial. ENTRO strengthened flood   analysis conducted by ENTRO in 2022.
                                            community      awareness      and   A regional inception workshop for Nile
         Flood- and Drought-Risk Mitigation
                                            preparedness  for  17  flood-prone   DEWS was held on January 2024 in
                NTRO’s  flood-risk  mitigation      sites—comprising seven locations in   Addis Ababa. The work is on track to
                     activities have made significant   Ethiopia  (in  the  sub-basins  deliver the first version of the Nile DEWS
         progress, focusing on the three main   Tekeze-Setit-Atbara,  Lake  Tana,  in 2024.
         work areas. The initial phase involved   Baro-Akobo-Sobat), four in South
         comprehensive surveying and data   Sudan (sub-basin Baro-Akobo-Sobat),
         collection aimed at improving the   and  six  in  Sudan   (sub-basin
         accuracy  of model forecasts.  This   Tekeze-Setit-Atbara).
         phase covered nine cities and towns in
         Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan,   In  FY23,  the   NELSAP-CU,   in
         providing essential maps that will   collaboration with the NBD, identified
         enhance  the  flood-risk  landscape.   and mapped flash flood-prone areas

                20  The model is publicly accessible:
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