Page 35 - CIWA-AR24
P. 35
East Africa
Nile Cooperation for
Climate Resilience
Context Progress
he Nile riparian countries share a The Nile Cooperation for Climate Platform for Cooperation
mutual interest in sustainable Resilience (NCCR) project is an nder NCCR, the NBI’s Young
socioeconomic progress, which initiative that offers complementary Professionals and Internship
requires collaboration. Cooperative support in information, institutions, programs were expanded to both
transboundary water management and and infrastructure. Through this project, the NBD and Nile-SEC. There were 32
use of shared resources can help the three NBI centers—Eastern Nile participants in the internship program
create prosperity and avoid conflict. Technical Regional Office (ENTRO), Nile (including 12 women) in FY24, bringing
Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action the total to 51 interns (19 women)
The Nile River Basin is shared by 11 Program Coordination Unit since the NCCR began. ENTRO hosted
countries, each facing unique (NELSAP-CU), and the Nile Secretariat 19 interns (six women) from Egypt,
challenges, and all of which have (Nile-SEC)—along with the Nile Basin Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan in
ambitious national development plans Discourse (NBD) and the Lake Victoria FY24; the theme of the latest
to fuel economic growth and reduce Basin Commission (LVBC), work together internship cohort was Eastern Nile
poverty that depend on the to support flood- and drought-risk Water Resources Assessment:
sustainable use and management of warning, mitigation, and preparedness; Situation Analysis. The NBD hosted its
transboundary waters. The benefits improve dam safety; improve water pilot internship program for four
and sustainability of many of these plans quality management in the Nile River and women from Egypt, Ethiopia, South
and investments could be enhanced Lake Victoria basins; develop and Sudan, and Sudan. One goal of the
from a regional perspective. Cooperative disseminate information for NBD program was to increase
development and management of Nile climate-resilient investment planning; participation of women as water
waters can generate substantial and provide a platform for communities, experts, leaders, and decision makers,
“win-win” benefits to help unlock the full decision makers, and water managers to as women are the main purveyors and
productive potential of the Nile basin. cooperate on the sustainable use and managers of domestic water usage at
Over the past decade of CIWA support, management of water resources. the community level. In FY24, the
the NBI and Nile countries have built a Nile-SEC hosted nine Young
better knowledge base, instituted a The NBI celebrated its silver jubilee in Professionals (two women) from
cooperation platform, increased 2024, marking 25 years of service and Burundi, Democratic Republic of
engagement by stakeholders and civil commitment to building capacity in Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda,
society organizations, and developed an transboundary water resources South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and
investment portfolio that encourages management, knowledge, and Uganda. Internship workshops
strategic cooperation between riparian investments. NCCR is entering its final included flash-flood forecasting and
countries and responds to sustainable full year of implementation and is warning systems, system analyses,
development needs. informing the design of future work. river hydraulic and hydrodynamic
modeling, groundwater management,
and Earth Observation techniques.
The 7th NBDF was held in Kampala,
Uganda under the theme, Deepening
Nile Cooperation: Accelerating the
Achievement of SDGs in a Changing
Climate. The event attracted a record
1,061 participants from 58 countries
and featured the 4th Nile Basin Media
Awards, which celebrates outstanding
journalistic reporting on the Nile River,
emphasizing the importance of
responsible and constructive media
CIWA managers visit the new office of the Nile Basin Discourse in Entebbe, Uganda. ©Anders Jagerskog / coverage that nurtures understanding
CIWA Program
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