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East Africa

         Water Quality Investment
         Planning and Prioritization

         The NBI centers are supporting national   and intercropping; and implementing soil   This could include devising strategies
         water-quality monitoring networks and   erosion control measures. Restoration and   that facilitate the equal participation of,
         regional water quality information   conservation measures should involve the   and input  from, women and men from
         systems to facilitate Nile Basin member   management of riparian zones along   diverse backgrounds, including those
         states in jointly addressing and   streams, the restoration of wetlands to   working in the informal sector.
         reversing the impacts of deteriorating   bolster their natural filtration capacity, and
         water-quality.  This  work  is  focused  on   control of deforestation by facilitating   Enhancing water quality
         the Lake Victoria Basin.           natural regeneration. Monitoring and   data in the Nile Basin
                                            enforcement  are  another  critical  aspect,        o help countries better identify
         Water Quality Pollution            which includes the establishment of              and address water-quality hotspots,
         Interventions Assessment           water-quality monitoring stations and the   the Nile-SEC team is scheduled to
                      he Water Quality Technical Working   application of WRM in the Abbay   conduct factory acceptance testing of
             Group  agreed  on  the  two    sub-basin. Lastly, capacity building and   water-quality equipment in 2024.
         water-quality hotspots during the 1st   public awareness are imperative for the   Installation of the equipment will follow. A
         Regional Workshop: Gilgel Abbay Jemma   success of these strategies, including   Nile basin water quality database has been
         sub-watershed in Ethiopia (Eastern Nile)   training and education to enhance local   produced through NCCR. 23
         and Lake Victoria (Mwanza Gulf) on the   capacity of women and men in WRM,
         Tanzanian side. Water-quality models   launching public awareness campaigns,   East African Community Water
         were  created for the Jemma River   and promoting nature-based solutions.  Quality Management Policy
         (Ethiopia)  and  the  Mwanza  Gulf
         (Tanzania) using hydraulic, hydrological,   The  Mwanza Gulf,  primarily  situated in   The  LVBC  developed  the  East  African
         water quality, and climatic data to better   the  Nyashishi  catchment,  faces  Community  (EAC)  24  Water  Quality
         understand the drivers and sources of   significant  commercial  growth  and   Management Policy  to provide a
         pollution. Water quality models can be   urbanization, making it the most polluted   cohesive and harmonized framework
         used  for analyzing pollutant spills,   catchment in the Lake Victoria Basin. A   for water-quality management across
         predicting long-term water quality in   comprehensive set of recommendations   member states. It addresses the
         rivers, and understanding the local   has been proposed to reduce pollution,   challenges of fragmented responsibilities,
         sources of pollution. Multiple potential   including demarcation of drains, streams,   lack of uniform water-quality standards,
         interventions  were  identified,  including   and wetlands around Lake Victoria to
         the demarcation of drains, streams, and   establish clear boundaries for these vital
         wetlands around Lake Victoria’s Mwanza   water resources. Strengthening industrial
         Gulf and the construction of a wetland at   wastewater  management  is  essential  to
         the mouth  of the  Mirongo River  for  the   mitigate the risk of harmful pollutants
         treatment of terminal waters (waters that   entering the lake. Enhancing municipal
         that do not have an outlet to the ocean or   wastewater management needs to ensure
         any other large body of water). Site visits   that sewage is appropriately treated
         and   water   quality  intervention  before discharge.
         assessments were conducted for two
         hotspots: Akagera River (Rusumo) in   An action plan has suggested making
         Rwanda and Tanzania and the White Nile   Mwanza city a zero-landfill site, which
         from Malakal (South Sudan) to Jebel Aulia   would  significantly  diminish  pollution
         Khartoum (Sudan).                  from solid waste. The construction of a
                                            wetland at the  mouth of  the Mirongo
         Agricultural practices including the use   River is proposed for wastewater
         of agrochemicals are the main pollution   treatment, which would use natural (plant
         sources in the Jemma River, leading to   and soil) purification. The development of
         sedimentation,  eutrophication,  and  a  water-quality  monitoring  network  will
         increased soil erosion from deforestation   be crucial. The formation of a committee
         and overgrazing. The recommended   to  oversee  these  initiatives  and
         strategies for addressing water pollution in   guarantee their effective execution is
         the Jemma watershed include improving   needed, as is a strategy to scale up
         sanitation  infrastructure  through  learning  to spread knowledge and best
         construction   of   latrines;   promoting   practices and involve male and female
         sustainable agricultural practices including   stakeholders in the preservation of the
         manuring, integrated pest management,   Mwanza Gulf and its ecosystems.

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