Page 42 - CIWA-AR24
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East Africa
Next Steps
verall, NCCR has disbursed laboratories and harmonizing water- Platform for Cooperation activities
75 percent of funds as of June quality standards, implementing quality planned for FY25 include the Zambezi
2024 and picked up speed on almost management standards, and accrediting Basin Experiential learning tour for NBI
all planned activities after early labs. Additional outputs will include the governance members.
implementation delays. The project development of an NBI water-quality
closes in November 2025. With the source book; e-learning modules on water In FY25, CIWA will continue the process
completion of the Flash Flood pollution control and conservation; and of preparing a new three-year
Early-Warning System, NELSAP-CU will training for national laboratory agency recipient-executed grant with the NBD
focus on deploying the FFEWS through technicians on the installation, operation, to provide a platform for citizen
the NBI portal, its operationalization and maintenance of monitoring engagement in Nile Basin investment
strategy, and awareness-raising equipment. The remaining activities under decisions and riparian dialogue,
activities in time for the next flood the LVBC include receiving approval of the learning on climate risk management
season. A site-specific flood awareness EAC water-quality management policy and resilience-building strategies, and
and preparedness plan will be and recommendations and the regional promotion of the benefits of Nile Basin
produced for 17 flood-prone sites and water-quality management strategy and cooperation. Activities will include
used for strategic flood management. action plan. The LVBC action plan will be implementing a citizen science platform
This will be supported by community reviewed to ensure it effectively to support watershed/wetlands
awareness and preparedness activities incorporates a gender mainstreaming management and rehabilitation programs
around flood management strategies, strategy. in the Nile region.
implementation, and local interventions
scheduled for completion by December In FY25, ENTRO will focus on the
2024. The activities include creating Regional Dam Safety Training Center.
flood management strategies tailored Much data on dams has been collected
to flood-prone communities, as part of the dam inventory using
developing a community awareness traditional methods and remote
and preparedness plan and detection techniques. Systematically
implementation plan, and designing compiling and organizing this data is
local interventions for flood protection. crucial and achieved through the
development of the Nile Dams Database,
The Nile Equatorial Lakes Technical a WebGIS database for all dams in the
Advisory Committee provisionally basin. Upon its completion, the database
endorsed the FFEWS in June 2024, will be integrated with the NBI Integrated
pending preparation of a strategy to Knowledge Portal (NBI-IKP). The Nile Dam
operationalize it with components to Database will significantly contribute to
test and monitor its performance. dam safety management by providing a
Preparations for the September flood comprehensive and centralized
season are ongoing to deploy the repository of essential information on all
FFEWS through the NBI Portal and raise dams. By creating a systematic
awareness about it. Capacity-building framework for data collection and
sessions to train users on the storage, basin countries can access
NB-FFEWS will be conducted by critical information quickly, enabling
November 2024. A detailed flood-risk informed decision making. This will be
assessment for selected locations is followed by preparation of a list of dams
expected to be finalized by December for detailed dam safety assessment. The
2024 and a comprehensive flood-risk next steps for strengthening DSUs
management plan by May 2025. involve reviewing the deliverables for the
establishment and strengthening of the
Nile DEWS software is scheduled to be unit and evaluating the Dam Safety Risk
finalized for approval from the Eastern Management Framework. Country
Nile Council of Minsters by May 2025, consultations will be conducted to
with plans to make Nile DEWS publicly address dam safety institutional
accessible. capacity building for all DSUs, based on
identified specific capacity gaps. For
The remaining activities under Water countries with large dam portfolios,
Quality Investment Planning and support will be provided to develop dam
Prioritization include upgrading safety institutional benchmarking tools.