Page 15 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
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Biodiversity & Conservation Framework

                Support  the  implementation  of  an  integrated  landscape  Project level
                management approach to natural resource management in
                transboundary  settings  to  reduce  land-use  conflicts,  On  a  project  level,  the  implementation  of  the  CIWA
                empower women and men in communities, address climate  Biodiversity  Framework  should  include  the  following
                change,  improve  water  and  food  security,  and  achieve  approaches:
                development  objectives  at  the  landscape  level.  This  could
                include  (i)  investing  in  natural  capital  and  nature-based  Support  to  implement  the  CIWA  Biodiversity
                solutions  as  a  cost-effective  approach  to  ecosystems  Framework’s  ToC  and  its  vision,  key  focus  areas,  and
                management,  disaster  risk  reduction,  and  climate  change  results areas.
                mitigation; (ii) implementing a natural resource management
                approach  in  riparian  restoration  to  build  ecosystems  and  Development and implementation of a set of biodiversity
                socio-economic resilience; (iii) developing and implementing  indicators as part of the CIWA Monitoring and Evaluation
                partnerships  to  support  more  diverse  and  resilient  system  that  is  designed  that  is  designed  to  improve
                biodiversity  economies  in  rural  landscapes  adjoining  programmatic performance and strengthen learning.
                protected  areas,  providing  for  a  range  of  nature-based
                financing  and  income-generating  opportunities;  (iv)  water  Integration  of    biodiversity  considerations  into  project
                towers  as  areas  important  for  the  production  of  relatively  design,  planning,  and  implementation.  This  should  not
                large  volumes  of  runoff  to  sustain  local  and  regional  only  be  aimed  at  protecting  and  conserving
                economies; (v) transboundary natural resource management  environmental  safeguards,  but  also  procedures  to
                through support for the establishment and implementation of  enhance  biodiversity  as  part  of  development  projects,
                new or existing transfrontier conservation areas; and (vi) key  working  at  an  appropriate  scale  to  address  all
                biodiversity areas and other geographical considerations such  cumulative  effects  of  development  and  to  achieve
                as protected area expansion and restoration potential.   biodiversity-positive outcomes.

                  Programmatic level
                                                                                              Direct benefits
                                                                                          1.   to ecosystems,
               Action framework     Project level                                             institutions, and
                to embed Project
                level biodiversity
               considerations and   Integrating        Tools & solutions
               targets in new CIWA  biodiversity
                  pipeline by     considerations into                                         Influencing
                  supporting       project design,    Nature-based                        2.  investments in
                operations in a     planning and        solutions                             biodiversity
                landscape level    implementation    Integrated water
                  approach -                            resource
                 geographical                         management
               targeting based on                      Integrated
                  biodiversity                         landscape
                hotspots, natural                     management                             Scale up actions
                 capital, water                        Wholescape                         3.
                  towers, and                          approach                              through World Bank
                 transfrontier                                                               lending operations
             Figure 3: Implementation Approach—CIWA Biodiversity Framework
             Tools and solutions                               Application

             As  described  above,  the  Global  Biodiversity  Framework  ToC  The CIWA Biodiversity Framework will be applied primarily to
             outlines  how  a  wide  range  of  tools  and  solutions  must  be  new programs, projects, and initiatives as a means to embed
             developed,  implemented,  and  scaled  to  reduce  the  multiple  biodiversity conservation considerations in a more structured
             threats to biodiversity while ensuring that people’s needs are  way  into  the  design  and  implementation  of  activities  and
             met through the sustainable use of biodiversity. These actions  initiatives.
             are  supported  by  enabling  conditions,  adequate  means  of
             implementation—including  financial  resources,  capacity,  and
             technology—and  are  underpinned  by  the  principles  of
             responsibility  and  transparency.  Some  of  these  tools  and
             solutions are outlined in Annex A.
             Framework for Action

             The implementation of the Framework will be guided by the
             development of a Framework for Action. Key focus areas are
             proposed for each of the thematic areas, which in turn could
             be transformed into activities, sub-activities, timeframes for
             implementation, and roles and responsibilities.

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