Page 14 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
P. 14

Biodiversity & Conservation Framework

             Theory of Change
                                                                                   CIWA results
             Biodiversity and Conservation

              Vision              Context                                Action                  Influence

                                                                     Facilitate reporting and
                                                                     communication efforts     Integrated monitoring
                                                                                               to support national and
                                                                     to Bank teams, CIWA       global biodiversity
                                                                     donors and partners on    reporting supported
                                                                     how CIWA is contributing  and implemented
                                                                     to biodiversity

                                                                  IRI: People trained in transboundary biodiversity and conservation

         transboundary water                                                                  Effective transboundary
          management that                                                                     collaboration and
         supports biodiversity                                                                strengthened
           conservation to                                           Enhanced policy and      governance
         ensure more climate-                                        practice for effective and
         resilient communities                                       integrated management    Integration of policies
          are better equipped    Biodiversity is                     of environmental and     and land-use planning
            to plan for and     fundamental to                       social risks             with biodiversity and
           mitigate climate-  human well-being, a                                             ecological processes to
            related shocks,    healthy planet, and  Information                               protect key habitats
          support ivelihoods,  economic prosperity
          sustain health and     for all people
           life, and improve

                                                                  IRI: Transboundary frameworks or policies supported to enhance
                                                                  biodiversity and conservation

                                                                                              Investment design and
                                                                    Land restoration and      implementation
                                                                    improved management       addresses the effects of
                                                                    practices implemented     inequalities related to
                                                                                              gender and social
                                                                    Increased diversified     inclusion on livelihoods
                                                                    community livelihood      employment, assets, time
                                                                    benefits                  use, and social norms

                                                                  IRI: Investments influenced to have enhanced biodiversity and
                                                                  conservation benefits beyond the ESIA

                                                                  IRI: World Bank operations informed by CIWA biodiversity and
                                                                  conservation work

                 Vision              Context          Focus Areas                      CIWA Results

             Figure 2: ToC—Desired Outcomes and Outputs of the CIWA Biodiversity Framework

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