Page 59 - CIWA-AR24
P. 59
Horn of Africa
• Strengthen institutions and Deliverables include spatial data on • An assessment of multiple
capacity of key implementing wetlands, riparian areas, and their pressures and responses, which will
agencies. This activity will review and states and spatial data on identify and evaluate the impacts of
analyze the capacity of government ecosystem services provided by anthropogenic pressures—such as
systems at various levels on their wetlands. A policy report will be pollution, climate change, and
readiness to prepare for, and respond produced, focusing on policy- invasive species—on ecosystems
to, climate risks faced by forcibly relevant insights related to emerging and their services. The consultant
displaced populations and their trends in wetland areas and will propose an overarching
hosts. It will review global best ecosystem states. framework, such as the drivers,
practices on integrating climate risk pressures, state, impact, and
management with refugee policies • The freshwater biodiversity data response model of intervention used
and frameworks and identify component, which will provide a to describe the interactions between
recommendations for, or current biodiversity baseline for monitoring society and the environment and a
refugee policies and frameworks in, and evaluation and environmental methodology involving a literature
South Sudan. This will also enhance impact assessments. This will involve review, spatial analysis, remote
organizational arrangements and synthesizing existing data on sensing data processing, and
capacity to manage, coordinate, and freshwater biodiversity and piloting stakeholder engagements.
implement these interventions for innovative data collection techniques.
the forcibly displaced. The consultant will propose species
groups for field surveying, such as
This activity will include: fish, birds, and aquatic vegetation,
including invasive species.
• Ecosystem mapping and ecosystem Deliverables include a freshwater
services assessment, which will biodiversity baseline for the Sudd
define the area, characteristics, and wetland, comprising existing and
state of the Sudd wetland, including newly collected data, along with a
its connection with transboundary metadata document describing data
surface and groundwater flows. characteristics and sources.