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Horn of Africa

        South Sudan Transboundary

        Waters Support Program

         Context                                                               Progress
                 eginning in 2022, the European   infrastructure to carry out its mandate.       upporting transboundary water
                 Union’s INFORM Index  has   Information  systems  and    the            management and water resources
         ranked South Sudan  as the world’s   hydrometric monitoring network are   planning: In FY24, the team collaborated
         most  vulnerable  country  to  climate   weak and the use of DSSs to guide   with  the  United  Nations  High
         change and as having the lowest level   WRM is minimal.               Commissioner for Refugees to gain
         of coping capacity. South Sudan is also                               insights on actors operating in refugee
         one of the world’s most politically fragile   The World Bank is providing technical   settings with the goal of strengthening
         countries.  Repeated  extreme  flooding   assistance to strengthen the MWRI   effectiveness and inclusiveness of the
         from  2020   through  today  has   and local WRM capacity.  CIWA’s    interventions in forced displacement
         submerged an area larger than      activity, launched  in June 2023,  is a   contexts. In addition, the team began one
         Denmark, affecting 1 million people. Ten   Bank-executed grant to support the   of the key activities on building climate
         percent of the country's arable land has   South Sudan component of the RCRP   resilience  and  strengthening  water
         become swampland at a time when    by    facilitating  South  Sudan’s  priorities and investments for vulnerable
         over 7 million people are food insecure.   participation  in Nile  River Basin   groups, a technical assistance on
         The 2024 INFORM Index noted that   dialogue,  strengthening  technical  climate-related  water  risks  and
         South Sudan’s vulnerability is tightly   capacity, and contributing to the   interventions for refugees and host
         linked to its  lack of infrastructure  and   National Master Plan being developed   communities.  Climate  impacts
         very low capacity of WRM institutions.   under  the  RCRP.  This  technical  exacerbate the vulnerability of refugees
         Women  who  have  been  forced  to  flee   assistance seeks to deepen dialogue   and host communities, primarily because
         from their homes and now live in   and   strengthen  knowledge   for  they experience greater exposure to
         displacement camps face multiple   sustainable planning and management   extreme weather events, have severely
         challenges, and several factors including   of transboundary water resources to   limited adaptive capacity to changing
         floods and drought make it difficult for   increase  water  security  by  environmental  conditions,  and  rely
         them to see a doctor even when they are   (i) supporting transboundary water   significantly  on  natural  resources.  This
         pregnant.  Women are also exposed to   management  and water resources   technical assistance will deliver a
         harassment or sexual violence and   planning, (ii) strengthening regional   mapping report of key actors in this
         constant  physical  stress   from  information     exchange,     and  space, which will include guidance on how
         transporting water over long distances.  (iii) supporting knowledge generation   to  improve  coordination,  fill  gaps,  and
                                            and capacity building with a focus on   leverage synergies among stakeholders.
         South Sudan’s  water-related risks   biodiversity and FCV, which includes   An infrastructure inventory of WRM
         and opportunities are fundamentally   the integration of a gender lens into   assets  and  their  vulnerability  to
         transboundary in nature, as the Nile   project design and implementation.  climate-related  conditions  will  be
         Basin contains all the country’s                                      developed, leading to a multicriteria
         surface and groundwater resources.   The initiative is providing technical   analysis  that  prioritizes  future
         Upstream    conditions,  therefore,  assistance  to  the  MWRI    on  investments   for   flood   and   water
         influence  water  availability  and  the   transboundary water cooperation  and   management.
         occurrence of floods and droughts.  management and conducting analytical
                                            activities to map and quantify the   Strengthening  regional  information
         While the country’s nascent water   hydrological  ecosystem  services  exchange:  The  hydrometric  monitoring
         management      institutions  are  provided by the Sudd wetland.  It  also   network, which includes five operational
         working to address many challenges,   supports South Sudan’s efforts to learn   hydrometric stations, is extremely weak.
         they face severe constraints.  Draft   from international best practices for   These stations are manually operated, are
         water legislation has been pending   transboundary  water  management,  not set up for automatic data transmission
         since 2013. The Ministry of Water   including from the Convention on the   mechanisms via telemetry, and do not
         Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) lacks   Protection and Use of Transboundary   have a systematic data management tool
         capacity and has limited physical   Watercourses and International Lakes.   to  store  and  process  data.

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