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Horn of Africa

         Next Steps
                    uring FY25, the HoA Groundwater       water  supply  dynamics  and  companies and for GW4R client countries
         f           for Resilience program will execute   transboundary  interaction  between  to develop sound bidding documents,
         the first works for rural water schemes   communities  under  implementation,  technical  specifications,  and  contract
         in Ethiopia, start rehabilitation of water   capturing lessons learned to be used in   management. Management models for
         schemes in Somalia and Kenya, and   the expansion of these initiatives. The   rural water schemes adopted under this
         begin aquifer assessments.  CIWA   team will document the three identified   program will be informed by the applied
         expertise will be used to assess the   avenues  for  transboundary  aquifer  research, which will help assess and
         quality of the procurement process and   collaboration: (i) those emerging from the   advise on institutional roles (of formal and
         inform key technical challenges. The   three feasibility studies currently being   informal  institutions)  and  their
         GW4R-MIS will enhance monitoring and    undertaken by IGAD (Dawa, Northern   relationship with community engagement
         investment quality, while facilitating   Basement,  and  Shebelle  aquifers),  processes and potential roles of the
         research and using the knowledge to   (ii) other projects within the Merti Aquifer   private sector in service delivery  and
         inform implementation. Using lessons   that can emerge from the successful   markets  to  ensure  that  efficiency,  value
         learned  from  the  first  batch  of   collaboration in the Dhobley-Liboi pilot,   for  money,  sustainability,  and
         procurement contracts for the design   and  (iii)  those  emerging  through  accountability mechanisms are in place.
         and construction of rural water schemes   documenting transboundary interactions
         in the  borderlands,  the  CIWA team  of   across borderland investments and   Work to address  fragility and conflict will
         experts is compiling a checklist of key   bringing these interactions to high-level   start with the production of more robust
         features for ensuring designs are climate   ministerial committees or meetings such   community  engagement  guidelines,
         resilient. This guideline will be used in the   as the Borderland Committee between   followed by key checks at various stages
         procurement of the second batch of   Kenya and Ethiopia.               of sub-project implementation. That will
         schemes and will be enhanced as more                                   help ensure that investments consider the
         lessons are learned from project   The IGAD Groundwater Information    needs of women and men from the
         implementation.                    System   will  be  enhanced   and   community, that sub-project designs are
                                            operationalized  through  technical  responding to the needs of women and
         There is also ongoing work to expand   support,  backstopping,  capacity  other vulnerable populations, and that
         the scope of the salinity guidelines for   building, dissemination, support for   conflicts  over  rangeland  and  water
         site selection, going beyond the   data   entry,  and  facilitation  of  resources are assessed and treated from
         decision tree. As the areas are affected   data-sharing processes. This involves a   the onset so that mitigation measures can
         by  high  salinity  and  fluoride  problems,   variety of activities to support IGAD   be developed.
         expertise is required to develop   including stakeholder engagement, data
         treatment solutions at scale and assess   standardization,  quality  assessment,
         how to develop institutional capacity,   capacity building, and dissemination
         skills, financing, and markets. A guideline   efforts. Through this support, UNESCO,
         is also being written using input from the   which has already helped produce a draft
         first project sites to improve and monitor   harmonized geology and hydrogeology
         community engagement processes for   map for the three countries, will support
         water point management. Two new    IGAD in fostering a comprehensive
         regional knowledge-sharing events  are   approach to enhance the capabilities for
         being planned to focus on these and   sustainable groundwater management.
         other relevant project issues, one of
         them to be held at a higher political level   UNICEF will inform, through evidence
         at the IGAD Water Forum in mid-FY25.  gathered  in  the  field,  on  mitigation  of
                                            drilling risks and enhanced contract
         At the regional IGAD meeting in May   management on drilling contracts,
         2024,  representatives from Kenya,   improving the understanding of the
         Ethiopia, and  Somalia  met to discuss   drilling market in the HoA by identifying
         the  opportunities,  interest,  and  the associated risks, developing and
         commitment     to    scale    up   implementing risk mitigation measures,
         transboundary collaboration initiatives   and advising on the adequacy of
         on groundwater to more locations,   management models  for rural water
         prioritizing sites already marked for   supply and sanitation. It is anticipated
         investment  under  GW4R.  Countries   that  some  drilling  risk  mitigation
         agreed to continue to monitor the   measures   will  target  capacity
         impact of the GW4R investments on   improvement of the private sector/drilling

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