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Horn of Africa

         sustainable, and it has been applied to   specialists to promote an understanding   management and development of this
         decisions on site selection in Ethiopia.   of the socioeconomic and livelihood   project by Kenya and Somalia and
         There is a need to expand this work to   contexts supporting the development of   kickstarting the dialogue for the countries
         assess capacities of local and national   appropriate and sustainable interventions   to engage through  a Memorandum of
         governments to deal with the salinity   led by communities.            Understanding (MoU) developed and
         problem   at   scale  and   make                                       facilitated by IGAD. The MoU outlines the
         recommendations on establishing the   Water  point  gender/gender-based  areas of collaboration for development,
         proper   institutional   and   financial   violence (GBV) checklist (May 2023):   coordination of the pilot, and other
         arrangements to develop this capacity,   This  comprises  a  comprehensive  potential investment sites in the Merti
         which will require skills, technology, and   checklist to comply with before   Aquifer;  establishes  joint  management
         affordability.                     construction begins at selected project   committees as part of the institutional
                                            sites to ensure a robust integration of   structure for the pilot delivery; and defines
         ii. Groundwater’s Role in Addressing   gender inclusion aspects throughout   the key roles of the parties. Other sites
         Fragility and Enhancing Resilience in   implementation. For instance, checking   that  can  benefit  from  transboundary
         the Borderlands
                                            whether women have confirmed that the   collaboration are being identified, and the
         Conflict,   Scarcity,   and   Hybrid   location of the water point development   GW4R-MIS will  also track transboundary
         Governance (September 2023): The Rift   is convenient and doesn’t pose safety   dynamics on all sites, given that these sites
         Valley   Institute   conducted   field   risks to them and girls (e.g., are in a   are mainly located at the borderlands of
         research in three study sites in the   distant, dark, or insecure area) or whether   the HoA countries where herders and
         borderlands of Kenya (Turkana County),   water collecting and queuing facilities are   communities cross the border every day.
         Somalia (Hiran Region, Hirshabelle   sufficiently  separated  from  those  of   Tracking  these dynamics  will inform
         State),  and  Ethiopia  (Borena Zone,   herders to minimize  harassment that   conflict mitigation strategies at site level.
         Oromia  Region)  using  qualitative  women  and  girls  experience when  they   The feasibility studies for groundwater
         methods and expert consultations.   are  collecting  water.    It  also  includes   development and management in the
         Recommendations from the final report in   ensuring that there is zero tolerance for   Dawa, Northern Basement, and Shebelle
         February  2024 include considering   GBV through continual independent   transboundary aquifers are  expected to
         conflict   dynamics,   ownership,   and   monitoring  of  compliance  with  follow similar processes.
         resource control more carefully in project   GBV-related  obligations  throughout
         design,   developing   more   flexible   contract implementation.       Vision and roadmap for an effective
         governance involving both formal  and                                  regional collaborative framework for
         informal  institutions  in  water  iii. Groundwater and Regional       groundwater  management  in  the  Horn
         management, consulting and engaging   Integration                      of Africa (April 2024): This report
         more widely when  developing  water   Transboundary groundwater investment   developed a vision for an effective
         projects, and making water-sharing   pilots  (ongoing):  The  Merti  Aquifer   regional framework for groundwater
         agreements clearer and more equitable.  (transboundary aquifer between Kenya   collaboration in the Horn of Africa.  It
                                            and Somalia) feasibility study, previously   includes insights and recommendations
         The  findings  and  recommendations  of   financed by CIWA, identified locations on   based  on  progress  of  regional  activities
         the study were discussed with project   both sides of the border for potential   under the program. It also presents a
         teams at various learning events.  The   development of rural water schemes   roadmap for a collaborative framework,
         team is developing guidelines to promote   tapping the Merti aquifer, called the   identifies  key  milestones  for  IGAD  and
         a more robust and inclusive process of   Dhobley-Liboi  transboundary  water  member states, and highlights lessons
         community engagement in siting, design,   investment pilot. The GW4R program   learned and the main challenges to
         and management and to assess potential   used this as the launchpad for the   transboundary collaboration, suggesting a
         impacts on conflict, livelihoods, rangeland,   identification   of   other   potential   way forward to create a suitable enabling
         and settlements that integrate the   transboundary  sites  along  the  environment   for    transboundary
         different concerns and needs of women   borderlands of the three participating   cooperation. This roadmap is helping
         and other vulnerable groups. This work is   countries. The Dhobley-Liboi sub-project   guide  the  dialogue  with  regional
         using the data collected from early stages   consists of two  productive boreholes in   stakeholders toward achieving  project
         of  project implementation in site   Kenya, two productive boreholes in   objectives related to regional integration
         selection, eligibility, and preparation   Somalia, and one shared monitoring well   around groundwater management.
         documents stored at the GW4R-MIS. The   to track abstractions and manage use.
         guideline will inform implementation   The team has further investigated the   Joint Regional Study (ongoing): The
         support  activities  so  that  social,  socioeconomic, gender equality, and   technical assistance has supported
         environmental, and gender specialists   technical conditions on the ground,   dialogue and consensus building  with
         work closely with engineers and water   suggesting a way forward for the   IGAD and member states to conduct a

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