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Horn of Africa

         The NBI, through its regional Nile Basin   implemented  by  partners  to  and   analyze   the  agencies
         Regional Hydromet initiative, has further   strengthen hydrological monitoring,   currently active in water-related
         identified  the  potential  to  expand   forecasting,  and  early-warning  initiatives (both on WRM and
         hydrometric  systems  to  benefit  South   systems,  ensuring synergies  and   water supply, sanitation, and
         Sudan and other riparian countries. 34   complementarities between various   hygiene)  in  the   forced
         Long-term WRM is further limited by the   projects in South Sudan.        displacement space.  A mapping
         lack of hydrological and water resource                                   report will be produced with the
         system models. A coarse-resolution flood   Supporting  knowledge  generation  and   key  actors’ initiatives  and  their
         hydrology model developed by the NBI is   capacity  building with a focus on   relative influence, which will include
         currently the only available option.    biodiversity and FCV: South Sudan can   guidance on how  to  improve
                                            be    divided  into  three   main      coordination, fill gaps, and leverage
         In FY24, two main activities were   sub-hydrological units: (i) the Bahr el   synergies among stakeholders
         undertaken  to  strengthen  regional  Jebel, receiving the outflow from the East
         information exchange:              African lakes; (ii) the Baro-Akobo-Sobat   •   Assess  climate  risks  in  refugee
                                            system,  flowing  along  the  east  from   hosting areas. A holistic approach
         •  The   Climate  Finance  Regional  Ethiopia;  and  (iii)  the  Bahr  el Ghazal,   will be developed to assess current
            Climate Resilience Program: As part   formed by streams arising along the   and predict future climate risks,
            of the Regional Climate Resilience   Nile-Congo divide in northwestern South   which will analyze three dimensions
            program, a workshop was held to   Sudan.  The  confluence  of  the  Bahr  el   of risk: type of hazard, exposure,
            establish a strong foundation for   Ghazal and the Bahr el Jebel forms a vast   and vulnerability. An inventory will be
            collaboration  and   knowledge  area  of  marsh  and  wetland  (both   developed for existing assets, such as
            exchange to enhance resilience. Over   permanent and ephemeral) known as the   roads,  flood  embankments,  WASH
            70 participants attended, including   Sudd Wetland. The Sudd is one of the   systems and facilities, and other
            representatives from RCRP countries   largest wetlands in the world and   assets that are vulnerable to
            (Comoros, South Sudan, Madagascar,   designated as a Ramsar site, which confers   climate-related  impacts.  This
            Malawi, and Mozambique), regional   globally  recognized  importance  for  assessment  will  guide  the
            and continent-wide institutions (the   containing representative, rare, or unique   identification of targeted resilience-
            ENTRO,      Southern     Africa  wetland biodiversity. In 2020, the annual   strengthening interventions in the
            Development Community [SADC],   economic value of the Sudd wetland     refugee areas.
            NELSAP, and African Union), regional   ecosystem services was estimated to be
            climate experts, and World Bank   over US$660 million.              •   Identify  interventions   to
            representatives.  Representatives                                      mitigate climate risks faced by
            from the South Sudan Ministry of   In FY24, discussions were facilitated   refugees, internally displaced
            Environment, Ministry of Finance, and   between  the  MWRI,  World  Bank  people,  and  their   host
            Ministry of Water attended. The   environment   colleagues,   and      communities. These will include
            sessions  focused on  leveraging   counterparts at the NBI to ensure   policy     and      regulatory
            lessons learned to inform climate   alignment and collaboration. In FY25, the   improvements  to  enable
            financing,   identifying   concrete   study will focus on  Sudd wetland   resilience  of  people who  are
            actions, and exploring opportunities   hydrological  services  (including  flood   forcibly displaced (e.g., how to
            to strengthen RCRP implementation   regulation).  It  aims  to  benefit  all  Nile   integrate people into national and
            with an  emphasis  on climate   riparian states by offering a detailed   local development planning and
            financing activities.            understanding of how South Sudan’s     in  early-warning  services  or
                                            ecosystems   influence   the   basin’s   hazard  monitoring,  promote
         •  National Project Development and   hydrological balance, creating a freshwater   greater environmental protection
            Implementation Partners Meeting in   biodiversity baseline, and evaluating   and rehabilitation in refugee
            South Sudan:  This meeting focused   anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems.  hosting  areas).  The team will
            on strengthening the capacities of                                     identify targeted risk-mitigation
            the National Meteorological and   Next steps                           measures for systems and assets
            Hydrological Services in developing            rocurement for Component 1 is   (e.g.,  water  supply  systems,
            multi-hazard early-warning systems                 expected be completed in 2024.  livelihoods systems, other critical
            and services. Over 40 participants                                     infrastructure including schools
            attended, including  representatives   This activity will:             and hospitals). The proposed
            from     the   MWRI,     World                                         targeted   interventions   will
            Meteorological Organization, World   •  Map current active humanitarian   account for complexity and cost
            Bank,   Food   and   Agriculture    and  development   actors  in      of the design and be ranked and
            Organization,  and  others.  The    refugee settlements and host       prioritized  by  location  and
            workshop  mapped  activities  to  be   communities. This will identify   implementation modalities.

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