Page 63 - CIWA-AR24
P. 63

Southern Africa

           Country / amount               Project                 Description                    Status

           Angola                                                 The project is strengthening the   Project kick-off
                                                                  water supply capacity of the   meeting was
           Base Grant:             $125,000  Caimbabo Water       Communes of Caiave and         held in May 2024.
           In-kind Contribution:  $0      Supply Project          Catengue in the municipality of
           Total:              $125,000                           Caimbambo, Province of
                                                                  Benguela. Activities include drilling
                                                                  and installing a small water
                                                                  supply system and equipping two
                                                                  boreholes with submersible solar
                                                                  powered pumps.

           DRC                                                    The scope of work includes the   Three boreholes
                                                                  construction of a mini-network of   drilled, and two
           Base Grant:             $125,000  Water supply project
                                                                  water distribution and a      ferrocement
           In-kind Contribution:  $17,300  in Congo Central, DRC  groundwater pumping station in   tanks built of
           Total:              $142,300                           the Kango Central Community.  75m  each.

           Eswatini                       Improving knowledge on   The project supports improved   Consultant
                                          groundwater availability   knowledge on groundwater   on board.
           Base Grant:             $125,000  through the assessment   resources in the Kingdom of
           In-kind Contribution:  $0      of available groundwater   Eswatini through provision of an
           Total:              $125,000   resources, capacity     information base for water
                                          development, and        management and development.
                                          innovative groundwater   Activities include innovative
                                          information management  approaches for improving
                                                                  knowledge on groundwater,
                                                                  capacitating managers and
                                                                  relevant stakeholders in
                                                                  groundwater monitoring and
                                                                  management, and providing a
                                                                  state-of-the-art monitoring
                                                                  information system.

           Lesotho                                                The scope of work includes drilling   Consultant
                                                                  new boreholes for monitoring and   on board.
           Base Grant:             $125,000  Construction of      water supply for vulnerable
           In-kind Contribution:  $12,500  groundwater monitoring   communities and identifying
           Total:              $137,500   and water supply systems  natural springs for supply.

           Malawi                                                 Revitalization of the          Rehabilitation
                                                                  groundwater monitoring         of 20 boreholes
           Base Grant:             $125,000  Rehabilitation of 20   network by rehabilitating wells   completed.
           In-kind Contribution:  $0      monitoring wells        and installing telemetrically
           BASEflow:           $17,289                            enabled monitoring wells in    Construction of
                                                                  strategic aquifers and building   the boreholes
           Malawi Scotland
           Regulatory          $19,083                            the capacity of national, district,   has begun, with
           Partnership:                                           and community stakeholders for   three completed.
                                                                  effective management of the
           Total:                    $161,373.20
                                                                  existing groundwater monitoring
                                                                  network; main project activities
                                                                  include rehabilitation works on
                                                                  20 monitoring boreholes.

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