Page 64 - CIWA-AR24
P. 64

Southern Africa

           Country / amount               Project                 Description                    Status

           Mauritius                                              The project will acquire       Project kick-off
                                                                  real-time groundwater          meeting was
           Base Grant:             $125,000  Groundwater monitoring   management data by         held in May 2024.
           In-kind Contribution:  $12,500  through installation of   equipping 10 representative
           Total:              $137,500   automatic data logging,   monitoring wells in the main
                                          transmissions, and      aquifers with automatic data
                                          acquisition system for   loggers and a telemetry system.
                                          representative boreholes   Project activities include
                                          in the main aquifers of   identification of 10 monitoring
                                          Mauritius               wells for rehabilitation and
                                                                  securing boreholes.

           Mozambique                                             The project will evaluate     Procurement
                                                                  groundwater in the            stage.
           Base Grant:             $125,000  Groundwater assessment
                                                                  Machangulo region, which is
           In-kind Contribution:  $17,300  of Machangulo region   seen as an alternative source
           Total:              $142,300   Matutuine District      of water for local populations
                                                                  given that this region does not
                                                                  have surface watercourses nor
                                                                  a public water supply system.
                                                                  The project will comprise two
                                                                  phases: assessment of
                                                                  groundwater availability,
                                                                  followed by construction for
                                                                  water supply.

           Namibia                        Enhancing sustainable   The project will promote      Procurement
                                          groundwater use in the   sustainable and coordinated   stage.
           Base Grant:             $125,000
                                          deep Karoo and the      management of groundwater
           In-kind Contribution:  $12,500  crystalline basement   resources for improved
           Total:              $137,500   aquifers in southern    livelihoods, ecosystem health,
                                          Namibia/Karas region    and economic development.

           South Africa                                           The project is developing     Stakeholder
                                                                  methodology and updating the   engagement
           Base Grant:             $125,000  Update hydrogeological
                                                                  hydrogeological map of South   undertaken.
           In-kind Contribution:  $12,500  map and information    Africa. It will be an interactive   Geophysical
           Total:              $137,500   brochure in Polokwane Area  map on the Ministry database   studies being
                                                                  and systems.                  undertaken.

           Tanzania                                               This will include assessment   Procurement
                                                                  studies and drilling exploratory   stage.
           Base Grant:             $125,000  Groundwater          boreholes, which will advise on
           In-kind Contribution:  $12,500  development and        the development of safe and
           Total:              $137,500   management of           reliable sources for augmenting
                                          Nzunguni Aquifer        the water supply of Dodoma City.

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