Page 125 - CIWA-AR24
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Annex 7
Results Framework for • Content Production: CIWA posted Strategic Insights
CIWA Communications 401 X posts (10 percent increase)
with an average of four likes per • Targeted Engagement: Analysis of
Goal day, ensuring a continual presence follower geography revealed high
Enhance stakeholder engagement and and fostering ongoing engagement engagement in Africa and other
water-stressed regions, allowing for
awareness of the CIWA program’s with its key messages. more targeted content strategies.
initiatives in international water resource
management in Africa. • Major Campaigns: The Woman’s • Content Optimization: Campaigns
Day, Nile Day, and Water Day
Objectives campaigns in 2024 generated a 36 aligned with key global observances
(e.g., International Women’s Day,
1. Increase visibility of CIWA’s percent increase in impressions Africa Day, and World Water Day)
activities and achievements among compared to 2023, solidifying demonstrated the importance of
stakeholders by 30 percent within CIWA’s role as a leader in the nexus timing for enhanced engagement.
two years. of gender equality and water
resources management.
• Hashtag Effectiveness: Strategic
2. Increase partnerships with RBOs, use of hashtags including #NileDay,
donors, and World Bank • Engagement Metrics: Campaigns #WaterDay, and #WomenInWater
communications teams through achieved an average engagement boosted impressions and
targeted communication strategies rate of 6.17 percent, outperforming engagement by connecting CIWA’s
by 25 percent within the program the 3.29 percent industry standard for content with global conversations.
period. nonprofits, converting engagement
into event sign-ups and publication Strategic Insights
3. Improve knowledge sharing among downloads.
stakeholders (all audiences) through • Platform Diversification: CIWA
knowledge products (e.g., reports, • Top Performing Posts: Posts for plans to increase engagement on
CIWA Bulletin) by 40 percent within Water Day and Woman’s Day were LinkedIn and Instagram, targeting
the next year. the most successful, leveraging professionals and younger
visual storytelling and targeted
Indicators hashtags to increase visibility and demographics with more frequent,
interaction. multimedia-rich content to broaden
Number of website visitors in FY24: its outreach and engagement.
• 50,000+ visitors; Knowledge Sharing:
Number of knowledge products
• 46 percent increase in traffic produced and distributed:
• Top four visitors of CIWA website: • Three CIWA Bulletins with more
1) USA, 2) France, 3) United Kingdom, than 3,000 recipients with 600+
4) Kenya views, similar to FY23; 12 original
blogs and/or stories (View from the
Social media engagement metrics on X: Field) prepared and published on
both the CIWA website and World
Follower growth: CIWA’s X account Bank Water website
gained 1,016 new followers (33 percent
increase), reaching 4,036 total Engagement metrics for knowledge-
followers by June 30, 2024, reflecting sharing platforms (downloads, views):
increased visibility and engagement in
African water management and • 78 percent increase in downloads
development topics. of CIWA program resources and
• Audience Growth Rate: CIWA's • 24,000 views on average per
audience growth rate increased by month on CIWA’s posts
2.67 percent, defying global declines • 10 publications prepared, designed,
in social media engagement. and published