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         Measures Used to Assess
         CIWA’s Value for Money
         i)  Program    Management    and    established  norms  to   maintain  processes, cost-sharing, and greater
         Administration. As described in Annex 4,   enhanced  supervision  costs  under  6   travel   efficiencies,   using   video
         CIWA estimates this at 6 percent of   percent of contributions to the   connection for meetings when possible,
         cumulative contributions to the fund,   fund—one-time   identification   and   convening CIWA meetings back-to-back
         and CIWA has spent about 6 percent   preparation cost of US$150,000 per   when feasible, and linking to other water
         (US$9.9 million of US$172.5 million in total   project and implementation supervision   sector-related  meetings  to  take
         pledges), keeping PMU expenses well   cost of US$100,000 per year for three   advantage of synergies. Within the overall
         within the suggested range. This fee   years over the duration of a project.   6 percent cap, the program manager has
         covers   all  management     and                                       the discretion to allocate additional
         administration responsibilities of the   The World Bank’s Africa Region data   preparation  or  supervision  funds  to
         program management team including   show that the average cost to prepare an   individual projects based on need.
         developing   and     implementing   investment  project  is   around
         management tools, procedures, and   US$350,000 and the annual cost for   Efficiency
         systems; negotiating the replenishment   supervision of a project is around
         and expansion of existing programs;   US$150,000 (2023 data). Costs for   Leverage  Ratio—CIWA  improves  its
         soliciting  and  evaluating  activity  preparation and supervision of regional   economy by leveraging additional
         proposals and allocating programmatic   projects and projects with FCV-affected   sources of funding for RETF projects,
         funds to implementing units; work   countries under IDA are normally   thereby reducing its unit cost of inputs
         program   planning;  program-level  expected to be higher due to additional   in relation to the overall sum of outputs
         resource planning; budget planning and   complexity, yet CIWA achieves lower   it mobilizes. CIWA uses the following
         management; program monitoring and   costs by basing budgets for projects on a   metric as an indicator of increased
         evaluation; program communications   careful assessment of estimated costs   economy due to leveraging of funds
         and   outreach;  donor   visibility,  and through effective procurement     from additional sources:
         coordination, travel, and  meetings; and
         results reporting.
         ii) Enhanced Preparation and Supervision.
         To ensure high-quality program delivery,
         World Bank policies require ensuring that   Table A5.1. Cumulative co-finance contributions through FY24
         implementation of trust fund activities
         complies with applicable Bank policies
         and procedures   and that all recipient-
         executed activities are adequately
         supervised and implemented in line with
         the terms and conditions of the
         Administration and Grant Agreements
         and Bank supervision standards and
         procedures. Estimated at 6 percent of
         contributions to the fund (but  only
         charged   against  actual  costs),
         preparation and supervision costs cover
         expenses for identifying and scoping
         possible   projects,   supporting
         preparation, undertaking implementation
         support, and supervision. As specified in
         the Administration Agreement, the Bank
         will seek the CIWA Advisory Committee’s
         prior approval in case enhanced
         supervision costs of CIWA activities
         increase beyond the amount noted in the
         agreement and these costs increase
         beyond   6   percent.  CIWA  has

         58  World Bank CFPTO Trust Fund Handbook (revised July 8, 2010).
         59  The Leverage Ratio for CIWA considers the additional funds that cofinance CIWA projects, which are only the RETF grants (see Annex 4 for the full list of CIWA RETFs and
         BETFs). Funds cofinanced with CIWA BETFs are not computed into the leverage ratio, although many CIWA BETFs are efforts to enhance IDA-funded project impacts through
         cofinance (e.g., CIWA is the co-financier). This aspect of complementarity and leverage is measured in CIWA’s results indicators in Annex 2.
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