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         Annex 5

         Value for Money

         Summary Value for Money Statement
         The CIWA program design and delivery   •  Drawing on the World Bank’s   •  Efficiency: For every US$1 that
         prominently incorporate Value for      longstanding  experience   in       CIWA contributed to a project,
         Money principles.  CIWA operates       international waters cooperation    CIWA leveraged additional funding
         towards achieving its targets and is   through other programs such as      sources to provide input of
         guided by its cost-saving measures in   the Nile Basin Trust Fund, South   additional US$0.32.
         program management, administration,    Asia Water Initiative, and Water
         project preparation, and supervision.   Partnership Program.           •   Effectiveness: CIWA is short of its
         While keeping costs down, CIWA has                                         target for dollar value of investments
         also made strong progress toward its   •  Tapping into the World Bank’s    but exceeds the target for number
         program-level objectives and results   deep partnerships with global       of  beneficiaries.  For  every  US$1
         targets, thereby achieving a good      collaborators to leverage regional   contributed by CIWA to operations
         return  on  the  financial  support  from   experience and networks.        (funds committed), the program
         development partners.                                                      influenced  US$129  in  cooperative
                                             •  Leveraging additional sources of    investment value. For every US $1.8
         CIWA is a World Bank program and is    financing,  such  as  the  Global    committed by CIWA approximately
         therefore able to achieve economy of   Environment Facility, Korean Green   one  person  will  benefit,  or  has
         scale and leverage support in a way    Growth Fund, and others for CIWA    directly   benefited,    from
         that has a multiplier effect on        co-financed projects.                transboundary  water  resources
         efficiency  and  effectiveness.  This  has                                  potential or mobilized investments.
         been accomplished by:               •  Leveraging multiple sources of
                                                follow-up  financing  such  as  IDA,   •  Equity:CIWA  mainstreams  GESI
         •  Tapping into the World Bank’s       AfDB, and other investors to scale   issues and considerations into all
            experience  and  expertise  in      up projects where CIWA supports     grants  and  implements  the  World
            managing trust funds, thereby       bankable project preparation.       Bank's safeguards system in RETFs.
            streamlining administration costs.                                      The primary gender gap for CIWA
                                                                                    program is that women are much
                                             Summary of FY24
         •  Leveraging strong global technical                                      less represented in WRM technical
            expertise of Bank staff across a   •  Economy:  Given  the  added       and decision making positions. CIWA
            wide  range of relevant  sectors    complexity of regional projects     is  addressing  this  through  several
            such as water, agriculture, energy,   implemented in some countries that   grants and also through the new
            environment, governance, and        are FCV-affected, CIWA has used a   Male Champions for Women's
            poverty   and    cross-cutting      notably small amount of its budget   Empowerment initiative. The CIWA
            development challenges including    for program management, project     2.0 ToC and RF elevates GEI as a core
            climate change, FCV, and GESI.      preparation, and supervision.       pathway for impact on the three Is.

                57  Beginning in FY24, CIWA updated its value for money methodology according to FCDO’s 5 Es Framework. The 5 Es are Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Cost Effectiveness,
                and Equity.
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