Page 123 - CIWA-AR24
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         Commercial Improvement             assumes that men and women are not   and  development  activities.  Specific
         and Value for Money                homogeneous but are stratified by age,   measures to address gender inequalities
                                            race, religion, ethnic origin, beliefs and   were incorporated during the planning
         CIWA maintains economy in its      practices, and many other socio-cultural   phase of a study to map humanitarian
         procurement (minimizing costs and   contexts.                          and  development  actors  in  refugee
         ensuring high quality) by requiring that                               settlements and host communities.
         all recipient-executed activities finance   This year the CIWA Annual Report is
         goods,  works,  and  services  in  adding this section on Equity to align with   Under the NCCR, the LVBC’s regional
         accordance  with  the  World  Bank’s   the FCDO’s methodology on Value for   water-quality management strategy and
         guidelines on “Procurement under IBRD   Money.  It  is a  summary  of  the  relevant   action plan are being reviewed to ensure
         Loans and IDA Credits” and the Bank’s   content from within the Annual Report of   they effectively incorporate a gender
         guidelines  on  the  “Selection  and   examples on GESI integration into CIWA   mainstreaming strategy.
         Employment of Consultants by World   operations and indicators that measure
         Bank Borrowers,” jointly  referred  to as   GESI results.              Untapping Resilience delivered a water
         the “Procurement and Consultant                                        point  gender/gender-based  violence
         Guidelines.”  Similarly, for all World   GESI Activities               (GBV) checklist, which comprises a
         Bank-executed CIWA activities, the   In recognition of the need to address the   comprehensive  list  to  comply  with
         Bank is responsible for carrying out   male dimension of gender, particularly   before construction begins at selected
         procurement   of    goods    and   since water is a male-dominated sector,   project sites to ensure a robust
         employment   and  supervision  of  CIWA launched the Male Champions for   integration of gender inclusion aspects
         consultants,  in  accordance  with  Women’s  Empowerment  in  June  2023,   throughout  implementation.  Data
         applicable policies and procedures.   initially  with 10  male  participants  linked   collected  and  used  in  the  MIS  include
         Among  other  things,  the  guidelines   directly and indirectly to transboundary   women’s experiences with the time and
         provide specific instructions for use of   water  programs  in East  Africa. CIWA   distances to collect water.
         World Bank documents (e.g., standard   collaborated with SIWI including by
         bidding  documents,  requests  for  providing  input  into  publications,  Sustainable Groundwater Management
         proposals,  contract  forms),  conflict  of   presenting at meetings, and exploring   in  SADC  Member  States—Phase  II
         interest,  advance    contracting,                                     supported the creation of 10 national
         co-financing,  mis-procurement,  and   collaboration on the Male Champions   focus groups (NFGs) to liaise with
         fraud and corruption.              Forum in FY25.                      SADC-GMI on groundwater. The NFGs
         Availability of Finance            CIWA developed and delivered a      are required to have gender balance and
                                            two-part online training program on GESI   cross-sectoral representation.
         At the end of  FY24, CIWA  was a   in  transboundary  waters. Part  1  focused
         program of US$172.5 million co-funded   on building a solid foundation of the   Does the CIWA Program Still
         by Austria, Denmark, the European   concepts and key considerations related   Represent Value for Money?
         Commission, the Netherlands, Norway,   to GESI and its connection to effective
         Sweden, and the United Kingdom.    and  inclusive  transboundary  water  The CIWA program operates in a
         Strong client demand for CIWA      management at both the institutional and   complex space where progress is
         support, combined with 90 percent of   project level. Part 2 focused on how to   non-linear. This means that progress
         the   program’s  current  funding  apply  GESI  principles  throughout  the   and setbacks go together and may
         envelope being provisionally allocated,   project  cycle  and  within  specific  water   affect the development indicators.
         means that CIWA needs to continue   and transboundary water contexts.   However,  the  evidence  strongly
         raising funds to expand its impact and   Training was conducted at ENTRO,   suggests that the CIWA program still
         ensure sustainability of successes.   NELSAP-CU, and LVBC and with the   represents value for money. Specifically,
                                            Central Asia Water Program. In the Nile   CIWA is still short on achieving the
         Equity                                                                 target for PDO indicator 1 but exceeds
                                            Basin this resulted in updates to the
         CIWA is working for a world with gender   institutional gender action plans and   the target for PDO indicator 2. However,
         equality, which means changing the   mentored assessment with the Equal   across the four categories, CIWA
         norms about female and male roles and   Aqua methodology (which considers the   performed very well in FY24.
         changing  power   relations  within  gender gaps in institutional policies and
         governments, companies, institutions,   practices that determine the enabling
         and households.                    environment for women in the workplace).

         It is also working to improve social   In the South Sudan Transboundary Water
         inclusion and the dignity of people who   Program, the stakeholder  engagement
         are  disadvantaged  because  of  their   strategy ensures that gender issues are
         identity so they can participate fully and   actively integrated into the design and
         equally in society. Social inclusion   implementation  of  water  management

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