Page 29 - CIWA Water Data Revolution Overview Report
P. 29

Water Data Revolution: Closing the data gap for transboundary water in Africa

                                                 Figure 10 Water Availability tab

               WA Indicators Tab: The spatial variation of WA indicator tab on the dashboard presents the key
               indicators  and  variables.  Visualization  is  offered  in  two  data  types:  spatial  and  linear.  Spatial
               visualization (Figure 11) is provided disaggregated at the sub-catchment level and at a monthly

               time scale for the following data: Rainfall, Rainfall ET, Blue ET, Total ET and water yield. In the
               linear visualization (Figure 12) are provided the following parameters/indicators: Rainfall, total ET,
               Basin Outflow, Utilized Outflow, and Utilizable Outflow (i.e. the water that can be reallocated for
               further uses after accounting for reserved flows and utilized flows). Moreover, a standardized
               anomaly analysis for these indicators is provided. Further details on the indicators and technical
               aspects can be found in Annex 3.

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