Page 28 - CIWA Water Data Revolution Overview Report
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Water Data Revolution: Closing the data gap for transboundary water in Africa
per-capita water availability, environmental stress, and future water availability. An interactive
map allows users to explore the basin’s geography, while a double pie chart visualizes land use
distribution across categories such as utilized land, managed water, modified land, and protected
land. Users can also toggle between years to compare changes in water balance and yield over
Figure 9 Basin overview Tab
Water Availability Tab: The Water Availability section of the dashboard highlights key indicators
for assessing water resources in a river basin. It includes metrics such as water availability per
capita (m³), water available for future use (MCM), fractions of evapotranspiration (ET) from
agriculture, irrigation, and land management, and the basing closure indicator (Figure 10). These
indicators help evaluate the basin's ability to meet demands and how much of the available water
is being used. Further technical details can be found in Annex 3.