Page 27 - CIWA Water Data Revolution Overview Report
P. 27
Water Data Revolution: Closing the data gap for transboundary water in Africa
Tableau Desktop Public Edition was chosen as the backend architecture for the development of
the WA Dashboard given its advanced data visualization capabilities, which allow for the creation
of highly interactive and visually engaging dashboards. Its flexibility in handling large and complex
datasets, as well as its robust integration with diverse data sources, makes it ideal for the
purposes of the WA Dashboard, where data needs to be analyzed and displayed in a clear,
insightful manner. Tableau also offers powerful customization options, enabling users to drill
down into specific data points, and provides scalability. Figure 8 provides a schematic view of the
Tableau architecture of the WA Dashboard.
Satellite imagery and remote sensing data served as the primary sources of input for the WA
Dashboards. The spatial resolution of the remote sensing data was resampled to 1 km, and the
data were aggregated to monthly time intervals for the water account analysis. Some of the key
input parameters derived from RS include dynamic parameters such as precipitation,
evapotranspiration and saturated soil moisture, and static parameters such as landcover and
reservoir data. More details on the input data and sources can be found in Annex 3.
The WA Dashboard is structured in five tabs, each one providing different sets of information. A
description of each tab is provided in the paragraphs below.
Figure 8: Tableau architecture of the WA Dashboard
Basin Overview Tab: The Basin Overview section of the dashboard provides essential baseline
statistics on the river basin, offering a detailed look at the basin’s hydrology and key challenges
(Figure 9). It includes a brief description of the basin, along with insights like area, population,