Page 46 - CIWA Water Data Revolution Overview Report
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technologies such as RS data. This data includes products for the collection, management, and
               analysis of RS data and fit-for-purpose water management analytical tools. This initiative will help
               countries across Africa to improve their capacity to collect, store, and analyse information and to
               make evidence-based decisions regarding water by reducing the cost and complexity of using
               water  data  and  by  establishing  connections  with  data  products  and  tools  that  facilitate  the
               translation of information to improved decisions. A schematic demonstrating linkages from RS
               data to data platforms, analytical tools, and end users is provided in Figure 1.

                 Figure 1: Data products and analytical tools assist in the translation of raw RS data into decisions and actions as
                 depicted in this step-by-step sequence. Data products facilitate the collect of RS data and transform raw RS data
                 into analysis-ready formats, which is then used as an input into fit-for-purpose analytical tools, such as for flood
                  forecasting and drought monitoring. Decision makers use the output information from the analytical tools to
                                           formulate decisions and strategize action plans.

               The  WDR  is  organized  into  three  strategic  pillars  to  accomplish  its  objective.  Pillar  A  is  an
               assessment  on  the  status,  availability,  and  use  of  data  among  African  RBOs  and  ROs.  This
               assessment is designed to elucidate current data uses and needs for effective transboundary
               water management as identified by organizations. Pillar B is focused on improving the use of RS
               data and to build more user-friendly data products and analytical tools. Trainings and workshops,
               developed based on the needs of organizations, will build capacity of organizations to use existing
               and developed technologies and platforms for data collection, management, and analysis. Lastly,
               Pillar C involves assisting specific organizations with applying data products or analytical tools
               using  RS  data.  This  component  will  facilitate  the  adoption  of  low-cost  technologies  for  data
               collection, storage, and analysis based on prior findings of organizations’ priorities and needs for
               data-driven decision-making for transboundary WRM (Pillar A), while promoting the sustainable
               use  of  data  products  and  analytical  tools  presented  in  the  workshops  and  capacity  building
               sessions (Pillar B).

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