Page 17 - CIWA Water Data Revolution Overview Report
P. 17
Water Data Revolution: Closing the data gap for transboundary water in Africa
These findings have provided foundational input for the development of capacity-building
activities on the priority topics identified by RBOs, as detailed in Pillar A’s report (Annex 1, Chapter
7). Additionally, Annex 1, Chapter 10.1 presents a summary of key free RS data products and their
usability for water resource management.
For a comprehensive overview of RS data tools and products that support improved water
resource management, including a detailed summary of the assessment conducted, refer to the
full report in Annex 1.
4. Pillar B – Inception Workshops and Capacity Building
Pillar B focused on enhancing RS data utilization and building capacity for sustainable
transboundary water management in Africa. Built on the findings of limitations and constraints
identified in Pillar A’a assessment, Pillar B addressed identified gaps in data access, analytical
capabilities, and technical knowledge. This pillar was specifically designed to support African
water management bodies with the tools, technical skills, and methodologies necessary for data-
driven decision-making in managing shared water resources across international boundaries.
A series of capacity-building workshops were implemented to provide technical training on RS
data collection, management, and analysis. Conducted online to maximize accessibility and
participation across the continent, the workshops attracted technical professionals from
numerous RBOs across Africa. The online format also promoted greater inclusivity, enabling
higher number of female participations who might face barriers to attending in-person sessions.
The sessions covered a wide range of topics, including data collection techniques, data analytics,
and cloud-based platforms for real-time water resource monitoring.
Tools and technologies were carefully selected based on their relevance to RBO operations, ability
to address cross-border WRM challenges, cost-free accessibility, and alignment with the latest
advancements in data analytics, as summarized below:
Workshop title Dates Overview
Introduction to a spectrum of technologies
for data/analytics and knowledge
Water Data Revolution: th th generation related to transboundary
Modernizing Transboundary June 13 - 14 , 2023 waters. In-depth focus on modern cloud
(2 days)
Water Data and Analytics analytics, interactive dashboards, AI
applications, and new open services for
historical data insights.