Page 13 - CIWA Water Data Revolution Overview Report
P. 13

Water Data Revolution: Closing the data gap for transboundary water in Africa

               Pillar B: Inception Workshops and Capacity Building

               Based on the findings of Pillar A, Pillar B aimed to improve the accessibility and usability of RS
               data. This pillar focused on strengthening organizational capacity through online targeted training
               and workshops, providing water organizations with the expertise required to collect, manage, and
               analyze  RS  data.  By  aligning  training  programs  with  the  specific  needs  identified  in  the
               assessment,  Pillar  B  ensured  that  organizations  gain  the  knowledge  and  tools  necessary  for
               sustainable, data-driven water management. This capacity building supports RBOs and ROs in
               applying  RS  data  to  address  critical  issues  like  water  allocation,  monitoring,  and  resource


               Pillar C: Adapting Innovative Tools for WRM

               Pillar C served as a pilot initiative that partnered with selected RBOs to address specific water
               management challenges through customized, low-cost RS data solutions. Building on the practical
               needs identified in Pillar A, this pillar developed tailored Water Accounting (WA) dashboards for
               real-time monitoring for selected basins. To ensure effective integration, Pillar C  provided in-
               person trainings, enhancing RBOs technical capacity to incorporate data-driven strategies into
               daily  operations.  By  piloting  these  solutions,  Pillar  C  demonstrated  scalable,  sustainable
               approaches to cooperative water management across Africa, empowering water organizations to

               make informed decisions.

               The following sections provide a summary of the progress and achievements of each pillar within
               the project. For a more detailed overview of the specific activities, methodologies, and outcomes
               associated with each pillar, please refer to Annexes 1 through 3.

               3. Pillar A – Assessment of Current Status of End-users and Identification of the

               Pillar A involved conducting an initial assessment of the needs and capacities of RBOs in Africa by
               evaluating  the  status,  availability,  and  use  of  data,  data  products,  and  analytical  tools.  This
               assessment identified key data gaps within the RBOs and led to the development of an initial
               strategic  plan  to  address  these  gaps.  The  strategy  focuses  on  enhancing  data  management
               capabilities through the adoption of RS data, open data products, and WRM analytical tools that

               leverage RS data.

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