Page 29 - CIWA-AR24
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West & Central Africa
Lake Chad Water Security
Context Progress
his initiative assesses the current Groundwater Legislation NBS to support water security, along with
state of water security and Comparative Assessment: enhanced hydrometric data and water
transboundary cooperation in the Lake Nigeria, France, and Spain resources planning.
Chad Basin at the political (vision),
institutional (roles), and technical he first set of studies to assess In this context, an effective irrigation
(investments) levels. It is divided into two the state of groundwater development plan will use both
pillars: Pillar A focuses on building the legislation covered Cameroon, the shallow groundwater and surface
analytical and institutional foundation for Central African Republic, Chad, and water resources to ensure efficient
water security and informs the Niger. The assessment is ongoing for and equitable distribution of water
identification and design of activities under Nigeria, which presents an added layer of for agriculture. This plan must
Pillar B to catalyze future investments. complexity from the large number of incorporate advanced hydrological
states (36) along with the federal modeling and environmental and
The core deliverable of this technical government. An inventory of all state and biodiversity sustainability, consider
assistance is the Water Security federal legislation related to groundwater socioeconomic and climate change
Assessment, finalized in October 2023. has been completed. Benchmarking using scenarios, and include stakeholder
The initiative also supports current and France and Spain is ongoing with the same engagement at local level and develop
future national and regional investments to timeline. The Lake Chad comparative sustainable, adaptable irrigation
strengthen water security. In addition to the analysis of all riparian countries is pathways. Additionally, integrating
assessment report, several thematic notes expected to be finalized in late 2024. modern technology for hydrometric
were developed to tackle strategic issues. data improvement and a dynamic online
The completed thematic notes include: Water Security Assessment resource management dashboard for
The Lake Chad Basin water security water accounting purposes will optimize
• Water, climate, and conflict: Lake Chad assessment, finalized in FY24, water resources management at the
Water Security Resilience Assessment categorizes the drivers of water transboundary level, enhance resilience,
insecurity and sources of resilience and and promote sustainable development
• The role of CSOs in the water sector makes recommendations to inform in the Lake Chad Basin.
in Lake Chad Basin investments. Despite significant risks
and barriers to water security, the basin This approach to a water security and
• Groundwater institutional diagnostic has sources of resilience that can be irrigation investment pipeline based
and comparative assessment of enhanced and promoted to help ensure a on the CIWA technical assistance
legislation in Lake Chad Basin water-secure future. would benefit from additional analyses
(complementary study ongoing) and support, but these are pending
Next Steps more financing.
• Strengthening the Hydro and
Meteorological Observation Network Irrigation development assessment
in Lake Chad he Lake Chad Basin urgently needs
an irrigation development plan to
The thematic note on groundwater and address food insecurity and water
the hydromet needs assessment have scarcity while ensuring environmental
clearly highlighted the lack of and biodiversity protection. The Water
institutional and legal frameworks and Security Assessment’s main findings
insufficient information on groundwater show that the basin's fluctuating water
resources (e.g., quantity, quality, levels—naturally seasonal but
location). Based on the findings from these exacerbated by climate change and
studies, the Lake Chad team has agreed to unsustainable land-use practices—have
extend this technical assistance, allowing severely impacted agricultural
further studies on irrigation development, productivity, crippled biodiversity, and
which will be critical to operationalize the threatened food security and economic
water security assessment and identify stability. The report recommends
potential investments. exploring small-scale infrastructure and
14 The reader should refer to the FY23 CIWA Annual Report for detailed descriptions of these notes.
15 See CIWA Annual Report FY23 for full description.
16 a) Socioeconomic cost-benefit analysis of small-scale water interventions and nature-based solutions, b) dialogue with riparian
countries on the importance of data sharing, and c) direct support for identification and preparation of investments.