Page 27 - CIWA-AR24
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West & Central Africa

        Improving Water

        Resources Management

        in West and Central Sahel

                                            water security  program (Development,
                  he  objective  of  the  ongoing                               monitoring,  and   protection  of
          T     CIWA-supported    initiative,  Resilience, and Valorization of Water in   groundwater-dependent  ecosystems.
         Improving    Water      Resources  West Africa [DREVE]). DREVE  is being   This collaborative effort between the
         Management in West and Central     prepared as a Multi-phase Programmatic   Ministries in charge of Environment
         Sahel, is to contribute to improved   Approach that will include the Senegal   and Water directly supported the
         WRM through selected engagements in   and Niger River basins and key   Development    Policy   Financing
         the basins and countries of the Sahel   transboundary aquifers such as the   program Niger First Resilient Growth
         region by  (i) identifying pragmatic   Senegal-Mauritania Aquifer Basin (SMAB)   and Capital Building.
         investments and policy actions that can   and the Illumeden aquifer. 12
         be supported by future operations and   Operationalizing Strategic     FY24 progress follows:
         (ii)  addressing critical analytical  and   Storage in the Western Sahel:   Groundwater Program for the
         capacity gaps through “fit-for-purpose”                                 Senegal-Mauritania Aquifer Basin:
         WRM    assessments  and  technical  The team collaborated with a
         assistance.  All  engagements  under  this   consortium of international partners   The SMAB is a large aquifer shared
         activity also proactively account for   to develop the Water Harvesting   between The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau,
         climate  change  impacts  and  specific   Explorer,  an online decision support   Mauritania,  and Senegal, covering an
         challenges in FCV environments such as   tool for small-scale water storage   area of 330,000 km  that is home to
         volatility,   low  capacity  of  state  planning. It has been deployed to train   about 16 million people. An RWG was
         institutions, protracted political crises,   implementing agencies in Niger and   created that comprised representatives
         and the increased risks and impacts that   Nigeria on its use for investment   of the four countries and Organisation
         women and other vulnerable groups face.  identification   and   community   pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Gambie
                                            consultations for new investment    (OMVG) and Organisation pour la mise
         This  program  began in  January   projects. Based on its application to   en valeur du fleuve Sénégal (OMVS). The
         2020, with an initial phase until   the Western and Central Sahel,     CIWA-funded   technical  assistance
         February 2023, and was extended    multiple projects and teams in other   supported  the  RWG to  develop  a joint
         for two years, with a second phase   regions have expressed interest in   vision and program for long-term
         of US$1.4 million until February 2025.   using the tool and  expanding its   cooperation on the SMAB aquifer.
         Based on the success of this initiative,   functionality, and in FY24 it has been   Technical assistance included preparing
         a third phase is now proposed to   adapted in  dryland areas of  Sudan,   project proposals, which prioritized
         capitalize on progress and continue to   Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Kenya.    harmonizing  and  updating  data
         add support to a new consolidated   Water analytics for                platforms,  building  a   regional
         regional investment program.       West Africa Water Unit:             hydrogeological information system, and
                                                                                developing web-based SMAB maps.
                                            The flexibility of this support window to   This  effort  requires  cooperation
         Progress                           address emerging needs in water     between the four countries and regional
               revious CIWA Annual Reports     analyses  and  reforms  has  been  a   institutions for data exchange and
                         provide details of progress before   cornerstone of its success. It has enabled   capacity building. Based on the findings
         FY24, including:                   the World Bank to respond swiftly to   about the legal and institutional
                                            challenges and opportunities in the West   frameworks  in  each country,  potential
         Strengthening Water                Africa region, ensuring that water-related   options for an institutional arrangement
         Security in the G5 Sahel:          interventions are both timely and   for cooperation will be supported
         The report provides a basis not only for   effective.  In  Niger,  for  example,  the   through the World Bank’s DREVE
         deepening the dialogue with regional   project supported a technical workshop   program, which will address barriers to
         counterparts,  but     also   for  that was instrumental in drafting new    cooperation from limited monitoring and
         conceptualizing the vision for a regional   regulations  aimed  at  the  identification,   water data exchange.

         12  DREVE is described further in Next Steps.
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