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West & Central Africa

         Preparatory work on the three other   driver of prosperity, peace, and climate   activities on groundwater management,
         Sahelian  transboundary  aquifers  resilience in the sub-region. It proposes a   CSOs, water harvesting mapping, and ad
         (Taoudeni  Basin,  Iullemeden  Aquifer,   new approach to  development by   hoc requests aligned with the objectives of
         and Lake Chad Aquifer Basin) was   leveraging  regional  and  national  the program, such as conducting rapid
         undertaken.  An assessment is being   stakeholder  cooperation  for  conjunctive   water security diagnostics.
         conducted  to  characterize  existing   water use (both groundwater and surface
         infrastructure (boreholes and wells) and   water versus the usual river basin   DREVE is a large, multiphase programmatic
         to develop population and climate   approach) and boosting the valorization of   approach  program  (US$>1 billion) to be
         change projections  through 2040. This   water for socioeconomic development   launched in 2025. This technical assistance
         assessment will support dialogue to   through transboundary cooperation.   will: (i) review OMVS studies for developing
         prepare  future  investments  and                                      navigation on the  Senegal River between
         international  collaboration  on  these   CIWA supported key regional   Mali,  Mauritania,  and  Senegal;  (ii)  provide
         aquifers.                          organizations in West Africa in the   technical assistance to the West African
                                            preparation of DREVE:               Economic and Monetary Union and
         The creation of a CSO water platform   Technical assistance was provided to   Economic Commission of West African
         will require  a  better understanding of   the Water Resources Management   States Water  Resources Management
         the  needs   of  community-based   Center of the Economic Commission of   Center for preparing DREVE’s regional
         associations and stronger collaboration   West African States, the Permanent   integration pillar; (iii) hold a DREVE regional
         with  NGOs  and  CSOs  to  facilitate   Interstate Committee for Drought   forum; and (iv) advance dialogue with the
         communication with governments and   Control in the Sahel, and the West   regional organizations for the Niger and
         among themselves. The team proposed   African Economic and Monetary Union.   Volta  River  basins  to  prepare  DREVE
         operationalizing the model by:                                         activities in investment identification.
                                            A   working  group   was  formed
         (a)   Organizing a series of consultations   comprising the three organizations and   This operation will continue to support
            with regional  stakeholders  in  six   the World Bank to discuss how water   the RWG on the SMAB transboundary
            priority  countries  that will  be   resources  cooperation  could  be  aquifer.  DREVE  will  support  the
            involved in the DREVE regional   strengthened through DREVE and CIWA   implementation of activities identified by
            program under preparation: Burkina   support.  CIWA  supported  a   the SMAB RWG, ensuring continuity and
            Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger,   presentation about DREVE in June 2024   progress on these important issues. As
            and Senegal.  Following presentation   at the 11th session of the technical   this SMAB support ends, the operation
            of the country diagnostics and   expert committee of the Permanent   will pivot to the Iullemeden Aquifer
            receiving stakeholder feedback at the   Framework  for  Coordination  and  System, which spans Algeria, Benin, Mali,
            regional workshop, the team will build   Monitoring  of  Integrated  Water
            on these diagnostics to draw a   Resources Management in West Africa   Niger, and Nigeria. New CIWA support to
            roadmap for the creation of a CSO   and the 5th Ministerial Monitoring   DREVE is expected to be prepared during
            water platform.                                                     this period.
                                            Committee for WRM in West Africa.
         (b)   In parallel, initiating dialogue with
            basin-level counterparts (e.g., OMVS,   CIWA also supported the dialogue
            Niger Basin Authority) for integrating   with OMVS for preparation of a
            such broad-based civil society   follow-up project to the Senegal River
            engagement in their core agendas.   Basin Climate Change Resilience
                                            Development Project that will be
         Key results of this activity were presented   integrated into pillar 1 of DREVE.
         at the Stockholm International Water
         Initiative World Water Forum in 2024, with   Next Steps
         CIWA supporting the participation of the           he next phase of this operation
         Youth Transboundary Water  Parliament                 will consist of four elements:
         from Burkina Faso.
                                            i) key support to design and prepare the
         Preparation of DREVE:
                                            DREVE program; ii) support to advance the
         During FY24, this CIWA initiative has   SMAB   institutional   arrangements;
         actively supported the preparation of   iii)  enhancing  transboundary  water
         DREVE,   a    regional  Multiphase  resources  through NBS  using  the  water
         Programmatic  Approach  that  will  harvesting  explorer  tool;  and  iv)  ongoing
         promote WRM and development as a key   technical assistance building on the

         23                            (Jean Damase ROAMBA, the youth delegate from Burkina Faso,
                                                10th World Water Forum, Bali, Indonesia. ©PNJBE
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