Page 38 - CIWA Water Data Revolution Overview Report
P. 38
Water Data Revolution: Closing the data gap for transboundary water in Africa
technical barriers. The shared use of open-access data further fosters cross-border collaboration
by providing reliable insights that reduce the need for formalized agreements and build trust .
One key challenge identified through the initiative, however, is the frequent mismatch between
the individual needs of RBO member countries and the services provided by the RBOs. This gap
often stems from a lack of understanding of these disparities. It is recommended that future work
involve selecting a few national governments as case studies to better understand this gap and
develop targeted solutions.
Together, these initiatives lay the groundwork for sustained cooperation, ensuring equitable and
effective management of transboundary water resources.
19 Christina Leb, “Data Innovations for Transboundary Freshwater Resources Management: Are Obligations Related to Information Exchange Still
Needed?” in Data Innovations for Transboundary Freshwater Resources Management (2020): 3–78,