Page 5 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
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                AFD     French Development Agency                 MW       Megawatt
               AfDB      African Development Bank                MWh       Megawatt hour

                ASA      Advisory Services and Analytics         MSIOA     Multi-Sector Investment Opportunity Analysis

               BETF      Bank-executed trust fund                 NBA      Niger Basin Authority
                         Cooperation in International Waters      NBI      Nile Basin Initiative
                         in Africa
                                                                  NBS      Nature-based solutions
               CRIP     Climate Resilience Investment Plan
                                                                 NCCR      Nile Cooperation for Climate Resilience
               DBA      Dam break analysis
                                                                NCORE      Nile Cooperation for Results
                DPF     Development policy financing

               DRC      Democratic Republic of the Congo        OKACOM     Permanent Okavango River Basin Water
                DSS     Decision support system
                                                                  PAD      Project Appraisal Document
               ENTRO    Eastern Nile Technical Regional office
                                                                           Program for Development and Adaptation to
                                                                PIDACC     Climate Change
               ESIA     Environmental and social impact assessment
                                                                 PforR     Program-for-results
                FY      Fiscal year
                                                                           Regional Climate Resilience Program for
               GBV      Gender-based violence                    RCRP      Eastern and Southern Africa
               GRID     Green, resilient, and inclusive development  RECLIMA   Resilience and Water Security in Angola

               HoA      Horn of Africa                            RETF     Recipient-executed trust fund
               IGES     Institute for Global Environmental Strategies   SADC  Southern Africa Development Community

               IsDB     Islamic Development Bank
                                                               SADC-GMI    SADC Groundwater Management Institute
                Km      Kilometers
                                                                 SADRI     Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative
               GHG      Greenhouse gas
                                                                  SSA      Sub-Saharan Africa
               G-RES    GHG Reservoir Tool
               Tool                                               TA       Technical assistance
                HES     Hydroelectric scheme                     tCO₂e(q)       (metric) Tons of carbon dioxide equivalent

                        Implementation Completion and
               ICRR                                                        United Nations Framework Convention on
                        Results Report                          UNFCCC     Climate Change
                IDA     International Development Association     US$      United States dollar

               IGAD     Intergovernmental Authority on Development  WRM    Water resources management

                IPF     Investment project financing              WSS      Water supply and sanitation
               KDRP     Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project       ZAMCOM     Zambezi Watercourse Commission

               MDB      Multilateral development bank             ZRA      Zambezi River Authority
               MDTF     Multi-Donor Trust Fund                    ZRB      Zambezi River Basin

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