Page 4 - CIWA Water Data Revolution Overview Report
P. 4

Water Data Revolution: Closing the data gap for transboundary water in Africa


               This  report  was  developed  by  the  WDR  team  led  by  Noosha  Tayebi  (Sr.  Water  Resources
               Management  Specialist,  Task  Team  Lead),  with  critical  support  from  Ana  Cecilia  Escalera
               Rodriguez (Water Resources Management Specialist). We extend our sincere gratitude to the

               entire  WDR  team  for  their  unwavering  support  throughout  the  program,  as  well  as  their
               invaluable  contributions,  including  brainstorming,  technical  reviews,  and  validation  of  inputs:
               Erwin De Nys, Winston Yu, Nagaraja Rao Harshadeep, Poolad Karimi, Alona Nesterova, Kelsey
               Reeves and Vitor Malagutti. We also extend sincere gratitude to Christina Leb, Bogachan Benli,
               and Yukio Tanaka for their critical review and feedback, which were instrumental for improving
               the quality of this report.

               This  initiative  was  made  possible  through  collaborative  efforts  with  various  river  basin  and
               regional organizations across Africa, who generously shared their experiences and insights. We
               would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following: Cuvelai Watercourse Commission

               (CUVECOM),  Economic  Community  of  West  African  States  (ECOWAS),  Incomati  and  Maputo
               Watercourse Commission (INMACOM), Komati Basin Water Authority (KOBWA), Lake Chad Basin
               Commission  (LCBC),  Lake  Kivu  and  Ruzizi  River  Basin  Authority  (ABAKIR),  Lake  Victoria  Basin
               Commission (LVBC), Mano River Union (MRU), Niger Basin Authority (NBA), Nile Basin Initiative
               (NBI) (including the NBI Secretariat (Nile-SEC), Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program
               (NELSAP),  and  Eastern  Nile  Technical  Regional  Office  (ENTRO)),  Okavango  River  Basin  Water
               Commission  (OKACOM)  Secretariat,  Organization  for  the  Development  of  the  Gambia  River
               (OMVG),  Sahara  and  Sahel  Observatory  (OSS),  Southern  African  Development  Community
               (SADC), Volta Basin Authority (VBA), and Zambezi River Authority (ZRA).

               Special thanks go to the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) for their support in
               developing the Water Accounting dashboards and for providing continuous technical capacity to
               the selected River Basin Organizations. We are particularly grateful to our colleagues at the Volta
               Basin  Authority,  Incomati  and  Maputo  Watercourse  Commission,  and  Zambezi  Watercourse
               Commission  for  their  active  engagement  and  valuable  feedback  throughout  the  dashboard
               development process.

               Finally, we extend our appreciation to the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA)

               and its program managers: Lars Anders Jagerskog and Ai-Ju Huang, for their support, which has
               been instrumental in the successful implementation of this program.

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