Page 7 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
P. 7
Abbreviations and Table of Contents
Table of contents
1. Abbreviations 01
2. Executive summary 03
3. Introduction 04
4. World Bank approach to biodiversity conservation 04
5. Integrating climate and nature action 05
6. CIWA and biodiversity conservation 06
7. CIWA’s comparative advantage in the transboundary waters— biodiversity conservation nexus 07
8. CIWA biodiversity framework 08
9. Approach 08
10. Programmatic level 08
11. Project level 10
12. Tools and solutions 10
13. Framework for Action 10
14. Application 10
15. Annex A - Tools and Solutions 11
16. Annex B - Results of the 2023 CIWA Biodiversity and Conservation Assessment 12
17. Annex C - Desktop Assessment Tables 16
List of Figures
Figure 1: Transboundary Waters & Freshwater Biodiversity—DPSIR Conceptual Flow Diagram (adopted from IUCN 2022) 07
Figure 2: Theory of Change—Desired Outcomes and Outputs of the CIWA Biodiversity Framework 09
Figure 3: Implementation Approach—CIWA Biodiversity Framework 10