2018 CIWA Annual report
This Annual Report outlines how CIWA support has helped clients share information and deepen collaboration. Together with its clients, CIWA is continuously learning, improving, and discovering new ways to deliver sustainable, inclusive, and climate-resilient growth.
2017 CIWA Annual Report
This Annual Report outlines how the CIWA program works to resolve challenges facing Africa today: economic development and growth, poverty reduction and social inclusion, climate mitigation and adaptation, fragility and conflict, and disaster risk management and reduction.
2016 CIWA Annual Report
Through supporting basin institutions, filling knowledge gaps, and helping countries design transboundary infrastructure, this Annual Report outline how CIWA makes important contributions to the better management of shared waters.
2015 CIWA Annual Report
This Annual Report outlines how the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) program has built an outstanding platform of support for African countries as they seek to overcome complex political, financial, technical and logistical barriers that arise in mobilizing international waters for climate-resilient growth.
2014 CIWA Annual Report
This Annual Report provides an overview of CIWA’s program and long-term expected results, a synopsis of on-going projects, and a summary of the program’s next steps.
2013 CIWA Annual Report
This Annual Report covers the period of July 2012 – June 2013, catalogs progress made by the program in building a strong portfolio of engagements across Africa and presents an overview of its accomplishments during the past year.
2012 CIWA Annual Report
This Annual Report outlines CIWA’s progress over the period of July 2011 through June 2012. The report provides an overview of CIWA’s program and expected results. It summarizes the current demand that CIWA has received from basins in Sub-Saharan Africa.