Conservation et protection du bassin de Cubango-Okavango en Afrique australe (en anglais)

Posté le : 5 juin 2022

The environmental integrity and long-term protection of the Cubango-Okavango River Basin depend on addressing the underlying drivers of poverty. Accelerated environmental changes in the basin are largely driven by four factors – population dynamics, land use change, poverty, and climate change – leading to deterioration in water quality, changes in the flood pulse and diminishing biota. The near pristine nature of the basin is a product of the relatively low level of economic development within the basin – the result of a complex geo-political history and the fact that the basin populations are remote relative to the countries’ capital cities and main centers of economic activity. CIWA’s Cubango-Okavango Livelihood Enhancement Program is to support the Multisector Investment Opportunities Analysis used to develop long-term investment and livelihood improvement programs. There is an ongoing support for developing the next phase following MSIOA. The anticipated benefit for the region would be: Increased income, access to water, sanitation and sustainable energy, actions to address hunger and disease, and promotion of gender equality, education, and environmental sustainability.

Écoutez le spécialiste principal de la gestion de l'eau de la CIWA, Aleix Capdevilla, pour en savoir plus sur cette région d'Afrique australe et découvrir comment la CIWA soutient la coopération transfrontalière dans le bassin de la rivière Cubango/Okavango et pour mieux comprendre l'importance de la préservation et de la conservation dans cette région.

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