Welcome to this new edition of our Bulletin! We are happy to present the twelfth edition of the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa Program (CIWA) Newsletter.

The CIWA team was actively engaged at World Water Week 2024 in Stockholm! Throughout the event, we participated in a series of seminars, meetings and discussions aimed at advancing the transboundary agenda in support of development, growth as well as peace and stability. This year was especially significant for our program, as transboundary water issues took center stage at the SIWI-hosted event. The CIWA team was honored to contribute, together with partners such as the SADC Groundwater Management Institute and the Nile Basin Initiative, to key international and regional events, helping us fulfill our mission of promoting effective transboundary water management on the continent. We look forward to continuing our role as a partner and catalyst for positive change in Africa’s water future.

In this edition, we are also highlighting our latest initiative: the Male Champion for Women’s Empowerment. Be sure to read our blog for more insights!

Happy reading! 

Anders Jägerskog and Ai-Ju Huang, CIWA Program Managers

Experience Exchange GESI Seminar: A Successful Special Event

Experience Exchange GESI Seminar: A Successful Special Event

Le Women in Water Diplomacy Networkles Environmental Law Institute et de The World Bank‘s Cooperation International Waters Africa program organized earlier this month a special online experience exchange focused on discussing and identifying tangible actions and approaches that men can take to champion and support women’s leadership and gender equality in transboundary water dialogues.

The session offered a great activity for CIWA’s Male Champion for Women’s Empowerment to kick start its first year of operation.  With close to 60 participants online, the Male Champions got a chance to hear directly from women working on transboundary water about the challenges they continue to face being leaders and diplomats in a male-dominated sphere. During the small group sessions, participants put forward a lot of creative ideas about what Male Champions can do to stand up for women and demand that their voices be heard. We look forward to more opportunities to partner with the Women in Water Diplomacy Network!


What’s making a splash

VPU Award for their outstanding work on the Sahel Groundwater Initiative

VPU Award for their outstanding work on the Sahel Groundwater Initiative

Huge congratulations to Mariam Sou, François Bertone and their team for winning the Vice President Unit (VPU) Award for their outstanding work on the Sahel Groundwater Initiative! The VPU Award is given for “delivering demonstrable and transformative results” along with demonstrating impact, integrity, respect, innovation, teamwork, and supporting the Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) agenda. Learn about the initiative with the CIWA Learning Notes series.


Eddie Riddell : Améliorer les moyens de subsistance en Afrique australe

Eddie Riddell : Améliorer les moyens de subsistance en Afrique australe

Eddie Riddell, former manager of Kruger National Park’s freshwater ecosystems and integrated water resources program, calls CIWA’s work “very insightful,” referring to its Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative, which analyzed the extent of groundwater aquifers, above-ground water systems, water demand and usage, and water resources governance practices. The goal was to help communities be more climate resilient.


Mfundo Macanda: Developing climate- smart agriculture

Mfundo Macanda: Developing climate- smart agriculture

“For people to produce optimally, water—and water storage and irrigation—is the key,” says Mfundo Macanda, director of livestock production, research, and development in the Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform. CIWA's Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative led a pilot project there with the goal of ensuring that households and farmers can access water year-round.


A Gender-transformative Approach in the Transboundary Water Sector

A Gender-transformative Approach in the Transboundary Water Sector

In May 2024, CIWA's GESI Expert provided two-day training sessions to the NELSAP, ENTRO, and LVBC on how to integrate gender-transformative approaches in the male-dominated transboundary water management sector. Our blog gives the insights that arose from those trainings.


CIWA GESI Framework: new versions available on line

CIWA GESI Framework: new versions available on line

An updated English version and French version are available of our GESI Framework! Discover our strategic approach to gender equality and social inclusion. It is aligned to the concept of transformation that facilitates a harmonized and integrated approach to GESI in all of CIWA’s work.


Brand Tool Kit: CIWA visual identity for all

Brand Tool Kit: CIWA visual identity for all

New brand playbook: Updated, accessible, and modern typography and an expanded color palette introducing CIWA's four key thematic focus areas (Climate Resilience, Biodiversity and Conservation, FCV, and GESI) create a cohesive visual identity that strengthens the program’s messaging.


What's new in transboundary waters and beyond

Revitalizing 20 Monitoring Wells in Malawi to Enhance Decision-Making

Malawi is among the countries where groundwater monitoring faces several operational challenges. Learn more about this new initiative led by our partner SADC-GMI to enhance the monitoring of groundwater, aligning with the national development agenda, by producing dependable data for improved resource management and decision making.

Bridging the Water Access Gap: New Partnership Brings Hope to the Democratic Republic of Congo

A partnership between USAID and the World Bank is bridging the water access gap by adding resources and instituting reforms to increase the effectiveness of public financing and to attract private capital to the sector—a model for other projects in the broader Eastern and Southern Africa region, demonstrating the power of working together.

Dive into the latest snapshot of #Africa's economic health!

The newest #AfricasPulse report offers a comprehensive analysis of growth projections, challenges, and policy recommendations. Read this biannual survey of African economies, which finds that economic activity is set to rebound in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Going Beyond Talk: Creating the Next Generation of Female Hydrogeologists

The ongoing project called, Revitalization of the Groundwater Monitoring Network in the Shire River and Lake Chirwa Basins, is being implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Water and Sanitation and the SADC-Groundwater Management Institute.

SADC-GMI, with GEF and CIWA, Lead Water Supply Project in Kazungula, Zambia

In a timely collaboration with the Global Environment Facility and CIWA, the Southern African Development Community - Groundwater Management Institute spearheads a Water Supply Project in Kazungula, Zambia. The project seeks to improve access to water and sanitation.

Report of the 4th Governors’ Forum of the Lake Chad Basin in July 2024

Since its establishment in 2018, the Lake Chad Basin Governors Forum has provided a space for constructive engagement, dialogues, exchange of ideas and best practices, and identification of critical cross-border interventions that would help restore stability and development to the region.




Huge thanks to our partners for all the critical discussions during World Water Week 2024 in Sweden. CIWA was proud to co-lead many insightful sessions including CIWA’s keynote emphasizing innovative solutions to turn conflict into opportunities for peace and security and a session highlighting the transformative role of Earth Observation technologies in transboundary water management.


Let’s harness the momentum from Stockholm this year and turn it into real progress for Africa! 

Save the date for these upcoming events

The 5th Meeting of the Lake Chad Basin Governor's Forum this October


Southern Africa Development Community will held its 6th Groundwater Conference this November


CIWA’s social media engagement


Learn more about our program activities on our English et de French Websites. And do follow us on Twitter @CIWAProgram. A special thank you to our editorial team, partners, reviewers and authors. Photo Credits: Shutterstock and Unsplash Images, World Bank/ Flickr.

© | Cooperation in International Waters in Africa