The Cooperation in International Waters in Africa team was in full swing at the World Water Week 2023 in Stockholm! During the event, a series of meetings and discussions were held to help drive the Water agenda forward.
During the Africa Climate Summit 2023 that just finished, our UK partner FCDO announced a new support for CIWA, helping us achieve our core mandate of advancing transboundary water management. The CIWA team is proud to take part to essential international and regional events and looks forward to continuing to be a change maker to the continent’s water future.
This edition is also spotlighting the latest CIWA initiative: the Male Champion Forum. Read our blog to know more!
Happy Reading, Anders Jägerskog and Ai-Ju Huang CIWA Program ManagersWorld Water Week 2023

During the recently concluded World Water Week in Stockholm, the CIWA Managers and Team were delighted to meet and discuss with their close partners, such as the Nile Basin Initiative, the Nile Basin Discourse, OKACOM and other River Basin Organizations to look into the future of water resources management. It was once again highlighted that these organizations are key in advancing transboundary cooperation in order to achieve essential global public goods, including climate resilience, conflict prevention, and biodiversity preservation.
What’s making a splash

CIWA has partnered with the Stockholm International Water Institute to create the Male Champion Forum, an innovative approach to utilizing male influence to challenge traditional gender roles and promote positive change. In this blog, CIWA co-manager Ai-Ju Huang and GESI Ellen Hagerman give us valuable insights into this groundbreaking initiative.

CIWA is actively seeking ways to more closely align its transboundary water cooperation initiatives with biodiversity conservation objectives, working on the intersections between transboundary water management and freshwater biodiversity conservation. Piet Theron, CIWA Biodiversity and Conservation Lead, explains how CIWA has become an influential actor in this area.

In order to prepare for upcoming interventions and raise awareness of groundwater's importance in water security, the CIWA created the Sahel Groundwater Initiative technical assistance program. As it recently concluded, Francois Bertone and Mariam Sou shared the key findings of the initiative in this blog and through the Sahel Learning Note Series.
What's new in transboundary waters and beyond
CIWA Biodiversity and Conservation Video Series
Sub-Saharan African basins, such as Lake Victoria, Cubango-Okavango, Senegalo-Mauritanian, and the Great Limpopo, Niger, are facing a daunting challenge: their ecosystems are under threat. To address this issue, the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa program has developed a team of specialists to explore, and further deepen, their approach to biodiversity and transboundary water matters. Check out our new video-series to learn more.
CIWA Sahel Groundwater Initiative Learning Notes Series
This series of CIWA Learning Notes in the Sahel region synthesizes existing research and data to shed light on a useful and interesting question for policy debate. Three notes have been released so far: Groundwater&Pastoralism, Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs), and Farmer-Led irrigation Development (FLID) in shallow groundwater. More to come!
Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative (SADRI) Synthesis Report
The Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative (SADRI) worked to promote integrated drought risk management across the water-energy-food-environment (WEFE) nexus. The brand new Synthesis Report provides an overview of the challenges posed by drought in Southern Africa, as well as the progress that has been made in recent years by the SADRI Pillar Teams to identify knowledge gaps and explore integrated systems and frameworks to build drought resilience in the region.
The Hidden Wealth of Nations: the Economics of Groundwater in Times of Climate Change
Groundwater is our most important freshwater resource, but the lack of systematic analysis of its economic importance has evaded attention from policymakers and the general public–threatening the resource. The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Economics of Groundwater in Times of Climate Change report offers new data and evidence that advances understanding of the value of groundwater, the costs of mismanagement, and the opportunities to leverage its potential.
Nile Basin Discourse: Watering Women Webinar Series
Launched in July 2023, this new Webinar Series is an initiative of the Regional Nile Women's Network (RNWN) aimed at bridging the gender gap in the Water Resource Management (WRM) sector. Listen to the first episode focused on “The Role of Women in Implementing SDG6: Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All”.
Immersive story: Water Security and Fragility in South Sudan
The World Bank Water team, in collaboration with the Africa East team, launched an immersive story on Water Security and Fragility in South Sudan that is worth the read! Blog, video, infographics and animations take us to a journey "rising from the depths" in South Sudan.
Spotlight on CIWA's Male Champion Forum
Because men are often the key stakeholders, influencers, and decision makers in water institutions and local villages, CIWA partnered with the Stockholm International Water Institute to develop the Male Champion Forum as an innovative means of using men’s influence to break through traditional gender roles and to be advocates for change. Watch our launch video:

Save the date for these upcoming events
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), Environmentral and social management (ESM) Training | 18 -20 October 2023
The Southern African Development Community Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI) is pleased to announce a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion and Environmental and Social Management Training taking place from 18-20 October. Stay tuned for further details, to be disseminated via SADC-GMI’s communication platforms.
Nile Basin Development Forum | 25-27 OCT 2023
The 7th Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF) will be held in a hybrid format, with webinars taking place from September 18 to October 13, 2023, followed by a physical session (including the Nile Media Awards) on October 25, 26, and 27. Co-hosted by the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) and its Member States in partnership with development partners, the NBDF is a high-level, triennial event.
CIWA’s social media engagement
Managing #Groundwater plays a key role in developing:
— World Bank Water (@WorldBankWater) August 26, 2023
🐐 #Pastoral livelihoods
📈 #Economic productivity
⚕️ #OneHealth: human, animal & envmtl #health
to sustain both pastoral livelihoods and the #ecosystems 🏜️ they depend on.
@ciwaprogram BLOG 📝👉🏿 https://t.co/XtHYZbc0eX pic.twitter.com/2eAirq1ONG
Increased & improved #Cooperation on #transboundary waters 🌊 globally & across #Africa is essential to the @UN #SDGs 🌐📈
— Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (@ciwaprogram) July 17, 2023
TOMORROW, join @ciwaprogram manager @AndersJagerskog for this #HLPF side event on pathways to mitigate risks & take advantage of opportunities.
👉🏿🗓️18 July pic.twitter.com/ktOIXf4imW
#Wetlands are one of the most #biodiversity-rich ecosystems in the world, helping to:
— World Bank Africa (@WorldBankAfrica) August 14, 2023
🌊 reduce flood risk,
🚰 purify water &
🎣 support #sustainable fishing
Learn how the @ciwaprogram works to protect #African #ecosystems.
👉🏿 https://t.co/6Ej75S4Tfg#BuildBackBiodiversity pic.twitter.com/NyjmNlOeIh
Interesting read ➡️ the @ciwaprogram partnered with @siwi_water to develop the Male Champion Forum as an innovative means to break through traditional gender roles and to be advocates for change & gender equality.
— Ousmane Diagana (@ousmane_diagana) August 28, 2023
🔗 https://t.co/yJq99Z7Axw #AccelerateEquality