IN FOCUS: The Nile Cooperation for Climate Resilience Project

What’s making a splash
SIWI World Water Week 2021 (August 23-27): Recap and Highlights

At this year’s all digital conference, CIWA Program team leaders turned up the volume on transboundary water cooperation trends and insights. For instance, population growth and climate change disruptions have created a situation where countries are increasingly reliant on transboundary water bodies.
Bringing Integrated Drought Risk Management to the Forefront in Southern Africa

While understanding and addressing recurring droughts in Southern Africa continue to pose significant challenges, drought events can serve as insightful windows of opportunity to proactively build drought preparedness and resilience to a variety of climate change challenges, as well as to identify and address institutional capacity development needs.
Drought Resilience Profiles: from Angola to Zimbabwe

About one-third of the people in Southern African countries live in drought-prone areas. These drought snapshots of 16 Southern African countries provide an individual country’s overview vis-à-vis the integrated drought risk management framework, as well as its drought impact and vulnerability assessment.
What's new in transboundary waters and beyond
On the Road to Recovery: How Sudan is Saving Its Water Sector
How Sudan is improving its water resources management, proactively increasing its resilience to floods and droughts, and developing groundwater resources.
360 Virtual Tour of Sudan’s Water Sector Rebuilding Journey
How does Sudan use limited resources and improve livelihoods at the same time? Check out this Immersive 360 Virtual Tour to view Sudan’s water challenges.
This Phase Two project will provide guidance on how to adapt to climate change and build resilient communities.
New Report Outlines a Framework for Managing Hydro-Climatic Risks
A new World Bank’s report “An EPIC Response: Innovative Governance for Flood and Drought Risk Management” offers practical guidance to help governments improve their flood and drought management systems.
The State of the River Nile Basin (Water Security in the Nile Basin 2021) Published
This Nile Basin Initiative report critically assesses the evolving pressures on basin resources and tracks progress towards overcoming main basin development challenges. This report is an update to the 2012 version and will be useful to practitioners, decision makers, planners, and researchers, among others, as a reference for basin planning and management.
New Report Presents How Water Availability Shapes Migration Flows
The World Bank Water Global Practice and the Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership (GWSP) co-authored the “Ebb and Flow” report, which emphasizes that reducing water shock impacts must be complemented by strategies that broaden opportunities and help build long-term resilience among communities.
New Study to Examine Fragility and Water Cooperation at the Local Level in the Horn of Africa
CIWA has commissioned a study for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) to present findings and insights on the intersection between fragility and transboundary water cooperation in three cross-border communities.
A New Round of Dialogue for Lake Chad Transboundary Water Security
This analytical and advisory work aims to develop a regional water security framework and explore climate resilience challenges. The work will also feature a consultative process with key stakeholders in the Lake Chad basin countries.
Save the date for these upcoming events
Southern Africa Development Community’s (SADC) 4th Groundwater Virtual Conference
November 10-12, 2021 Theme: Towards a Water Resilient SADC – Groundwater Systems Thinking https://conference.sadc-gmi.org/4th-sadc-groundwater-conference/African Ministers’ Council on Water’s (AMCOW) 8th Africa Water Week and the 6th AfricaSan Virtual Conference
November 22-26, 2021 Africa Water Week Theme: Water Security for Public Health and Human Development AfricaSan Conference Theme: Accelerating Access to Safe Sanitation and Hygiene in Africa at SDG+5 and Covid-19 era https://amcow-online.org/news/amcow-au-and-the-government-of-namibia-to-host-continental-water-and-sanitation-conferenceCIWA’s social media engagement
@SweinEthiopia and @Sida proud supporters of @ciwaprogram https://t.co/ZePIzzC7cc
— Ulla Andren (@UAndren) October 1, 2021
#Droughts are one of #ClimateChange’s most subtle yet deadly manifestations.
— GFDRR (@GFDRR) August 27, 2021
The Southern #Africa Drought #Resilience Initiative (#SADRI) recognizes that recurring drought events can serve as windows of opportunity to build drought resilience: https://t.co/GMCGX14zVR
Apresentamos este curto vídeo do #ProgramaCIWA que mostra o papel importante das #águassubterrâneas no reforço da resiliência aos residentes da aldeia de Muchocolote em Moçambique ?? https://t.co/JLEiF8YCHm via @YouTube
— Erwin De Nys (@ErwinDeNys1) June 10, 2021
«Le projet Révolution des données sur l'eau du #ProgrammeCIWA, lui permet de conseiller les gouvernements africains pour les aider à surmonter les difficultés liées à la gestion concertée des ressources en eau en mettant en place des systèmes d'accès aux données de télédétection» pic.twitter.com/bmnxXeQpfA
— Erwin De Nys (@ErwinDeNys1) August 23, 2021