What’s making a splash
Improving Multi-use Water Resources in Somalia

How CIWA is supporting Somalia’s water resources challenges.
CIWA portrait video with NBD Director

Meet Dr. Hellen Natu, Regional Manager of the Nile Basin Discourse.
Podcast on Nile Cooperation for Climate Resilience Project

CIWA’s Anders Jagerskog on the new Nile Cooperation for Climate Resilience Project.
Profile of Reginalda Joseph

Namibian Hydrologist Reginalda Joseph shares her professional journey.
What's new in transboundary waters and beyond
Nile Cooperation for Climate Resilience Project
This project will provide a platform for Nile basin countries to build resilience.
SADC Sustainable Groundwater Management Phase 2
With co-financing from the Global Environment Facility, the first phase of this project is in the pipeline.
Sudan Flood Resilience and Water Resources Management Project
This project aims to strengthen the capacity for flood forecasting and early warning in the Nile and non-Nile flood prone areas.
Horn of Africa Groundwater for Resilience Program
This program endeavors to improve the climate resilience of targeted communities.
Improving Water Resources Management in West and Central Sahel
All seven activities under the umbrella program are making progress, including the preparation of pre-concepts for water security engagements.
Spotlight on southern africa
Save the date for these upcoming events
CSO Engagement on Water in West Africa
This webinar will present a mapping of CSOs active in the water sector,with insights about their legal spaceand limitations. This event takesplace on June 17, 2021 at 10am(Washington DC). To register, please send an email to contact ciwa@worldbank.org.Transboundary Resilience Futures
The webinar will discuss the main findings of the forthcoming report, “Invisible Bonds: Transboundary Resilience Building in the Horn of Africa.” This event takes place in September. To receive an email with more information on the decided September date once it is available, please send an email to contact ciwa@worldbank.org.CIWA’s social media engagement
? @SIWI_WWW’s World #Water Week? starts in 4⃣weeks with the theme “Building #Resilience Faster.” Stay tuned here for info on #CIWAProgram speakers and panelists. Register https://t.co/nJkY9YRZ8x pic.twitter.com/aL7eOwsyqy
— Erwin De Nys (@ErwinDeNys1) July 27, 2021
Apresentamos este curto vídeo do #ProgramaCIWA que mostra o papel importante das #águassubterrâneas no reforço da #resiliência aos residentes da aldeia de Muchocolote em Moçambique https://t.co/JLEiF8YCHm
— Erwin De Nys (@ErwinDeNys1) July 28, 2021
Notre cadre stratégique sur l’égalité des sexes et l’inclusion sociale, «GESI» (pour son acronyme en anglais), promouvoit une approche intégrée dans tous nos projets du #ProgrammeCIWA https://t.co/Z7Mvn7AD69 pic.twitter.com/hVIPHa883S
— Erwin De Nys (@ErwinDeNys1) July 30, 2021
How about a little break from your busy workday? This refreshing 10-minute podcast features Namibian hydrogeologist @JosephReginalda. She shares with us how she became interested in working on #groundwater projects and helping communities https://t.co/JdMMUroiDK pic.twitter.com/RZX4stvAMH
— Erwin De Nys (@ErwinDeNys1) July 29, 2021