SIWI World Water Week: August 23-27 – What You Need to Know
Posted in : Blog on 5 August 2021
The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) will hold its annual World Water Week conference on August 23-27, 2021. SIWI has organized World Water Week, regarded as the most influential conference on water issues, for the past 30 years.
While the conference is usually hosted in-person in Stockholm, Sweden, featuring more than 4,000 attendees from 135 countries, this year, the conference will be held as an interactive digital event due to the ongoing pandemic. This year’s theme, “Building Resilience Faster,” sets a forward-looking tone as water specialists and other professionals convene online to discuss current scenarios and identify solutions to the most pressing water-related challenges – water scarcity, climate policy, poverty, and much more.

For this year’s conference, SIWI has designed a highly interactive and socially engaging conference. Here is the full conference schedule of 300 sessions . All sessions are accessible/viewable FREE OF CHARGE to registered participants. SIWI encourages all participants to purchase a Networking Pass to also have access to online discussions, speed networking events, post-session conversations, and other interactive activities. Register here. For those who are relatively new to the conference, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Session title: Transboundary Waters Cooperation for Resilience: Global Lessons and Experiences
Date and time: August 23, 2021 (Monday) at 18:00-19:00 Sweden time (UCT+2, GMT+2) / 12:00-13:00 Washington, D.C. time
Watch the recorded video:
Welcome remarks
Clare Barrington, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), United Kingdom
Presentation: Transboundary waters: A World Bank perspective
Anders Jägerskog, World Bank
Panel Discussion: Data for transboundary water management
Moderator: Maarten Gischler, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Panelist: Noosha Tayebi, Cooperation in International Waters in Africa Program (CIWA)
Panelist: James Sauramba, Southern Africa Development Community-Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI)
Panelist: Sonja Koeppel, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Moderator: Maarten Gischler, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Summary and wrap-up
Moderator: Clare Barrington, FCDO
Session title: Climate Action across Sectors and Boundaries
Date and time: August 25, 2021 (Wednesday) at 13:00-14:00 Sweden time (UCT+2, GMT+2) / 7:00-8:00 a.m. Washington, D.C. time
Watch the recorded video:
Session program:
Introduction: Sonja Koeppel, the Water Convention
Presentations and group discussion with the audience
Moderator: Anders Jägerskog, Cooperation in International Waters in Africa Program (CIWA)
Adapting together: Approaches and best practices from basins across the world
Jos Timmerman, Waterframes
Adapting to climate change in the transboundary Dniester basin
Ana Jeleapov, Institute of Ecology and Geography, Republic of Moldova
Transboundary cooperation in the Chu-Talas basin: Adapting to climate change
Talaibek Makeev, Expert on regional water and environmental cooperation in Central Asia
Building climate resilience through transboundary cooperation in the Amazon
Alexandra Moreira, Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
Adapting together: A youth perspective
Ethiopia Bisrat, Water Resources Engineer
Sonja Koeppel, Water Convention

Session title: Integrating Against Drought
Date and time: August 26, 2021 (Thursday) at 21:00-22:00 Sweden time (UCT+2, GMT+2) / 15:00-16:00 Washington, D.C. time
Session program:
Victor Osei Kwadwo, World Bank
Integrating Against Drought
Malala Wakunuma, World Bank
Panel discussion on connecting the dots on drought resilience in the Southern Africa region
Anna Cestari, World Bank
James Sauramba, Southern Africa Development Community – Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI)
Jacobs-Mata Inga, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Daniel Tsegai, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Nathan Engle, World Bank
Summary and wrap-up End of session

Additionally, please have a look at the many sessions that the World Bank Water Global Practice will be convening or co-convening:
Please follow the CIWA sessions on Twitter via @Erwindenys1 using #wwweek and #CIWAProgram .